Reminder: Rick Perry is NOT Gay

December 07, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

And you know that because he’s is fabulously insulted that Hillary Clinton and President Obama made speeches yesterday saying that it is not right to harass and and murder gay people.

I mean, I’m pretty much almost kinda sure that Rick doesn’t think it’s right to harass and murder gay people.  He just doesn’t think telling right wing extremest not to harass and murder gay people should be said out loud.

After both President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made impassioned speeches Tuesday urging gay rights abroad, Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry issued a response decrying the “deeply objectionable” gay lifestyle.

“This is just the most recent example of an administration at war with people of faith in this country,” Perry said in a statement.

And then he goes on to say …

“This administration’s war on traditional American values must stop,” Perry said.

I want you to look at the crop of Republican presidential candidates and tell me what traditional American values are according to them.  Good Lord, there ain’t a one of them who can enter a church without fear of a lightening strike.

But, it’s the gay one that gets Rick on a roll.  And that’s because Rick Perry is not gay.

Just wanted you to know.

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