Rick Perry Is Not Gay

June 21, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Okay, so the Huffington Post says that Rick Perry is ready to defend himself against charges that he is gay.  Because he’s not gay.

Rick contends that the rumors about him being gay, which he is not, were started by his political enemies and Texas trial lawyers.  You know, people who are probably gay.

The rumors have been around since Elvis died, and Rick doesn’t help things with some of his picture poses.  Which are, in fact, pretty much gay.

And, I do believe it was fellow Republicans who first brought up the Rick Perry could be gay agenda.

AUSTIN – A Web site for U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison contained hidden phrases including “rick perry gay.”

So Gov. Rick Perry’s campaign is accusing the Hutchison team of being slanderous and of setting a negative and divisive tone.

The two Republicans are running for governor in next year’s GOP primary.

The Austin American-Statesman reported Thursday on the phrases.

Hutchison spokesman Jeff Sadosky said Hutchison’s campaign was not condoning those words. He said they would be removed.

Besides, if Rick Perry was gay, would he be pushing so hard to keep the TSA from touching his junk?  That’s not gay.  Crazy, yes.  Paranoid, sure.  Pandering, of course!  But certainly not gay.

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