Rick Perry: His Life, Your Death
Rick Perry ain’t having none of that socialized medicine stuff bringing its butt to Texas. No, sireee, everybody knows that a funeral is cheaper than health care. You gotta look at money and reputation here.
A defiant Rick Perry defended his decision to reject the expansion of Medicaid on Monday, saying on Fox News Channel that the federal government couldn’t be trusted and that “we’re just not going to be part of socializing healthcare in the state of Texas.”
Rick, what am I supposed to do with my socialized medicine Medicare? And how about your government health care plan, Rick? I’ll meet you out back with a shotgun, Rick, and we can kill both of them.
Perry offered block granting money to the states as an alternative, so healthcare decisions could be made at the state and local level. He said that “every Texan has healthcare in this state from the standpoint of being able to have access to it” and that state officials are better positioned to make policy decisions than “some bureaucrat in Washington”
Rick Perry doesn’t want socialized medicine. Rick Perry wants Pay to Play Healthcare in Texas so his friends can make money off the deal.
If you will recall, Texas is 51st out of 50 states (we’re even behind DeeCee) in delivery of health care.
So, how does throwing money at Rick Perry and his high dollar rollin’ friends make the system work better? Perry wants to administer the money so big ole kickbacks can go to his friends.
Look, we’ve tried administering it at the state and local level and we’re in last place.
Texas has 6.1 million uninsured folks living here. If we reject $112 billion in federal money, that means the health care of these people will be picked up by people who have insurance and by local taxing entities. My county will have to raise taxes to pay for the money we turn down from Washington.
Look, I think the solution is simple. We’re talking $112 billion. Give Rick Perry one billion dollars upfront to distribute as kickbacks to his friends, then use the other $111 billion for health care. Rick would be perfectly willing to do that.
Thanks to David for the heads-up.