Rick Perry: Giving Aid and Comfort to Stoopid

December 20, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Holy cow.  Just when you thought that Rick Perry couldn’t get any more shockingly blatant with love of hate, this happens.

Perry has appointed Nadine Berry to be Secretary of State in Texas.

Maybe she’s a very nice lady.  I dunno because it’s her husband who is always in the headlines.

Berry2Michael Berry is a piece of work.

He is a radio talk show host and a former Houston councilman.  He calls Houston Mayor Annise Parker “Annise Porker” because that’s just so damn funny.  He calls Democrats “libtards,” which is a total riot.  His humor development stopped at 6 years old.

To his credit, he did apologize for saying that the mosques near the 911 site would be blown up.  But, it was a not-sorry apology.

He is a complete and total drooling at the mouth homophobe.   Which is kinda funny since he was charged in a parking lot hit and run at a well-known Houston gay bar at 11:00 at night.  He says he just went there for a beer.  He lists his religion as a Southern Baptist so we suspect he was going for breaking all ten commandments at once on a Tuesday night.  You gotta give him credit – he came damn near close.

The icing on the cake is that he recently opened his own bar in my county — called The Redneck Country Club.  It features rednecks, beer and guns and calls itself Patriotic.  Instead of the Holy Trinity, Berry has the Patriotic Trinity:  Rednecks, beer and guns.

Now if you’re wondering why it’s upsetting to me for his for wife to be appointed Secretary of State, here’s why.

The Texas Secretary of State is in charge of elections.  Yes, Michael Berry’s wife is going to be the Katherine Harris of Texas.  What could I possibly have to worry about?


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