Rick Perry, David Dewhurst, and Gobs of Money
Rick Perry and David Dewhurst have got themselves enough money to burn a wet elephant.
Rick Perry is very cool at setting up slush funds like the cancer research bond money that he handed out to his friends and donors with no research being done to cure cancer. I am convinced that every time someone in Texas dies of cancer, God puts a little X by Rick Perry’s name.
And another of his slush funds is The Enterprise Fund, which was supposed to bring jobs and business to Texas. The Texas Enterprise Fund is working very well —- for Rick Perry.
Texas’ top three lawmakers have collected more than $3.6 million in contributions from donors affiliated with companies that received millions in grants from a state incentive program, according to a new study from a state watchdog group.
The study, released Monday by Texans for Public Justice, delves deep into the political spending of folks associated with 38 projects that drew a total of roughly $307 million in state grants from the Texas Enterprise Fund, a job creation program that has drawn the ire of lawmakers this session because of a perceived lack of transparency.
Rick Perry has received $2 million in kickbacks. Lt. Gov David Dewhurst pulled in $1.3 million and 90% of the $232,800 that came back to Joe Strauss came after he was elected Speaker of the Texas House.
Meanwhile, Texas schoolchildren and people on Medicaid are suffering. But Rick has to have some walking around money. He knows it takes money to make money and Rick Perry became a millionaire while never having a job off the public teat in his life. You can’t do that by accident. That takes some kickbacks.
You can have educated children or Rick Perry skimming off the top. Your choice, Texas.
Thanks to Frank for the heads up.