Revenge of The Tequila Party

June 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so there’s this dope out in Arizona, surprise!, named  Russell Pearce who wrote all the state’s hateful immigration laws. He’s running for re-election.

On the other side of town, there’s a group called The Tequila Party, that was formed to counter The Tea Party.

Mix those two things together, add some taco cravings, and you have one of the coolest political stories this year.

Tacoless Russell

It seems that Russell Pearce wanted to throw himself a fundraiser.  In a damn Mexican restaurant.  You open the dictionary to the word gall, and this falls out on the floor.

Tequila Party co-president DeeDee Garcia Blase got wind of Pearce’s fundraiser and planned a protest of the first Mexican restaurant where Pearce had planned his event. The restaurant quickly cancelled the booking. So he tried again at another Mexican restaurant.

And, that didn’t work either because DeeDee got wind of it, even though Pearce reserved the restaurant under another name, and she called the owner.  Pearce got kicked outta there, too.

Hey, there’s a hot dog vendor somewhere, I am sure, who would host the fundraiser.

Thanks to Deb for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Revenge of The Tequila Party”

  1. I expect DeeDee won’t have to call all of them. They probably have all got the message by now.
    Whoohoo!! Or “Ole” (place accent over “e”)!
    Love it!

  2. Pearce is not exactly running for re-election. He lost his seat in a recall election, including using a probably sweet but clueless Hispanic lady’s name to “run” against him to draw off the brown people votes (she withdrew later.) He was the Boss Hogg of the Arizona Lege when he was rightfully taken down.

  3. daChipster says:

    Actually, Pearce is not getting re-elected, per se. He’s trying to get un-un-elected, as he was RECALLED last November. It was a funky kind of recall, where a Republican named Jerry Lewis defeated him with the support of Democrats.

    The recall was notable in several ways, but the best part about it involves several felony indictments for friends of Russell. It seems these friends, members of the local Tea Party, were sitting around at a Denny’s when they hatched the scheme to find a useful idiot to split the anti-Pearce vote in the recall. Enter one such idiot, Olivia Cortes, who appeared out of nowhere, seemingly, with some “Si se puede” signs and enough signatures to get on the ballot.

    Once the fertilizer hit the ventilator, she withdrew from the race faster than Pearce duckwalks from a taco dinner to the outhouse. And the Denny’s cabal was left holding the class 5 felony bag.

    Nothing this evil ever dies; thus, like Jason of Friday 13th infamy, so too has Pearce risen from political perdition to stalk the corridors of Arizona power.

  4. The Tequila Party sounds like my kind of party on several levels. I’m grinning ear to ear over this, and I haven’t had a shot yet!

  5. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I suppose Mr. Pearce is singing the old song…

    ‘T’ for Texas, ‘T’ for Tennessee
    ‘T’ for Texas, ‘T’ for Tennessee
    ‘D’ for DeeDee, the gal that made a wreck out of me

    Apologies to the great Jimmy Rogers

  6. BarbinDC says:

    I wonder if there is a single restaurant, national chain or otherwise, which won’t be threatened by a walkout of all its dishwashers and busboys (buspeople?) if they host this pile of caca ce toro. Hasn’t he heard? Karma’s a bitch, baby!

  7. TexasEllen says:

    I love the Tequila Party concept. Keeping Mexican food for people who actually like all sorts of people and all sorts of food. Mr. Pearce should try for a weeny roast.

  8. Gramiam says:

    Russell deserves to consume all the chemicals present in hot dogs!

  9. You know the “Tequila Party” was meant to be a Tea Party for Hispanics, don’t you? Even those right wingers don’t want THOSE right wingers.

  10. The Tequila Party is non-partisan. It is also a Chicana-led movement to counter the tea party extremists.

    The Lead Co-President is a Democratic voter. She is also a Civil Rights and Immigration Lawyer with strong feminist views. The Founder and co-President was formerly a Republican but left the GOP and became an independent registered voters.


    The National Tequila Party Movement is a female-led political movement. More females vote in Presidential elections than men and the strong Latina matriarch is emerging and we want to communicate to the Latina matriarchs across the nation with regard to our message of compassion towards immigrants and legal immigration reform.

  11. I think that I might be reluctant to eat any food served to Pearce and his followers in a Mexican restaurant. There might be food additives.

  12. @tequila party: Thanks for the link. As a Texan by birth and a Puerto Rican/South American by culture, this inspires me.

  13. aggieland liz says:

    Think McDonalds would host his little rich old grumpy white exclusionist men’s party?
