Republicans Still Suck

March 17, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Kaiser Health Foundation has done some polling on how Coronavirus has impacted American lives.  You’ll find it interesting overall, but of course the part that interested me the most was the difference between how Democrats and Republicans are reacting.

Republicans aren’t particularly worried about themselves or their family members getting the virus.  I guess because of that Magic Jesus Thing they have.

They also aren’t much worried about the economy, probably because of that Magic Trump Thing.

Most of them think they wouldn’t have any problem being tested for the virus (while we were in the middle of the big bad missing test kits).

Democrats – pretty much the opposite.

You’ll  find it interesting. You have to go about half way down to get to the political stuff.

Thanks to Henry for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Republicans Still Suck”

  1. maryelle says:

    It would be interesting to see the political affiliation of those
    who succumb and end up in the death toll, given the Rethug
    dependence on Magic to save them.

  2. Deb in Alabama says:

    ‘What, me worry?’ Sorry, I couldn’t help myself…

  3. Here’s a video that shows what & when Trump said about the Coronavirus, on a timeline (sorry couldn’t find a direct link to just the video):

  4. I heard someone on MSNBC say that it’s going to be a huge problem if Dems and Independents take precautions and GOPers do not. I feel bad about this – but I thought that maybe that would actually clear up a lot of America’s problems. I think even FOX may have come to the realization that their viewer demographic is the most vulnerable.

  5. maryelle says:

    Cheryl, you said what we are all thinking. We’re all going to hell.

  6. megasoid says:

    The three groups: Dems – Indies- Republicans listing descending concerns in percentages are not static.
    An article I read a short while ago that states that conservatives are insulated to a certain degree by the ideologic construct of their lives. They work to even the keel whether its money, keeping a gun handy or choosing people for their specific uses.
    The salient point was: Their tribulations are only delayed, not cast iron.

  7. megasoid says:

    Correx: Cast iron ideology tends to rust the rivets.

  8. In a country of 330MM people, the political affiliations of the virus victims should even out. Given the asymptomatic contagious aspect of the disease, Trumpoons will be blithely spreading it to all who come near for several days before they turn into sniffling hacking zombies of death. And the little virus boogers are very ecumenical. They don’t care who you vote for or pray to, they are gonna get you if they can.

  9. Concerns of fallout from virus.
    1) Elections. Several thuglican governors are using this as an excuse to cancel not just primary’s but special elections as well.
    Using cover they are deciding to appoint people to vacancies, or use draconian limitations on voting to ensure the outcomes they want.
    2) Census?
    3)ICE staking out Coronavirus test locations and “detaining” any one with an hispanic name.
    4) Use this to further delay/kill moves towards mass transit.

    Can’t help but think the response we are seeing world wide to this crisis should be the same response that we should be having to target Climate Change/ pollution.

  10. Old Fart says:

    For the heck of it, I went to The Blaze to see what they are focusing on.

    The nastiest surprise I got was one guy stating he was prepped with guns and ammo… so he could take what he needed when his food runs out. I realize that was tongue in cheek (I hope), but it simply isn’t how people I know think.

    Stay sane, y’all…

  11. maryelle – lol. Maybe – or considering how hateful the GOPers are – maybe not – there may not be any of them in heaven.

    Montag – true – and how many trumpers is it going to get at the trump rallies?

  12. Teh Gerg says:

    @Maryelle—let them go first.

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    K @9

    1) the RNC already overplayed the no presidential R primary thingy, so the ‘Con governors do so at their own risk.
    2) any sensible administration would delay the census for one year or to the end of the this pandemic, whichever happens first (please restrain all chuckling)
    3) lucky for all that most bullies are cowards which includes ICE, so the little snowflakes might even revolt before following that order.
    4)until the false flag self inflators kill JITI (just in time inventory) and some of the real culprits, let them just try taking away the NY subway system and public transportation in urban areas.

    it took a pandemic, but finally Donnie* is exposed and about to take a few Republicons with him*.

  14. Wyatt_Earl says:

    You’re right, but it makes no sense. I mean, Republicans are afraid of everything – Black people, Starbucks, brown people, gay people, socialism, free health care, The Federal Reserve, hippies, China, reporters, broccoli, and the list goes on I’m sure. That’s why they need all the damned guns because they are so afraid of everything that life shows them.

  15. Steve in Beaverton says:

    This comment is not meant to be funny or trivialize the seriousness and in some case the tragedy of Coronavirus. Maybe this year in our history will help end the influence of the crazy half of the GOP on the rest of us. Flip the White House, Senate (start with Mitch), and many state governments. Also help get rid of Barr and all of the Trump crime family (rid meaning they go away but live out of our lives).

  16. Ormond Otvos says:

    Crazy preppers. One guy I know slightly says he’s got space in his freezer for anybody who thinks they’re taking his food.

    Let me relay another of his comments: He says ‘Nine meals to Chaos’ meaning when the trucks stop, there are three days/nine meals worth of food in the supermarkets.

    We had our first food riot in the local smallish supermarket last night…cops were called, store closed.
