Republicans Pulling Food Out of Children’s Mouths

March 27, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Most of y’all know that Juanita believes Texas Congressvarmint Louie Gohmert to be so crazy that if you put his brain in a mosquito, it would fly backward and moo loudly.

Now Louie wants to punish children fr what their parents do.

Under a new Republican bill, families would lose their food stamps if even one of the parents is engaged in a strike against their employer.  In other words, if you want to feed your children, you have to work in unsafe conditions with no benefits and you can do diddle squat about it.

“Now, I know that Goofy Gohmert did not say,  ‘children worth feeding would not have chosen to be born to parents who actually do physical labor for a living.’  Nope, he didn’t say that.  He didn’t have to.  His bill said it for him,” Juanita remarks.

Thanks to Gramiam for the heads up.

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