Republicans Making Racism Godly

December 09, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, South Carolina, you’re keeping up your end of the craziness stick.

Rep. Chris Corley, who over the summer was staunchly opposed to the state taking the Confederate flag down from public property following the Charleston massacre, sent out cards showing the South Carolina Statehouse with the flag flying next to it and his family’s name inscribed underneath.

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And do you want to know what was inscribed inside?  Of course you don’t but I’m gonna tell you anyway.

“May your Christmas be filled with memories of a happier time when South Carolina’s leaders possessed morals, convictions and the principles to stand for what is right,” the back of the card read. “May you have a blessed Christmas, and may you take this joyous time as an opportunity to ask for forgiveness of all your sins such as betrayal.”

Once the card became a matter of public horror, Corley pretended it was “a joke.”  It should be noted, however, that he pre-filed a bill for the next legislative session asking for a referendum to put the confederate flag back on the state grounds.  Maybe he did that as “a joke,” too.

If you are offended by this, it’s your own damn fault.  As Corley points out —

bilde“If somebody’s feelings are legitimately hurt about that Christmas card, I think that might speak more to their conscience than the content of the card,” Corley said.

Yeah well, that knuckle dragging meathead festering pile of hate filled slime is right about that.  But not in the way I think he meant.

Thanks to Rhea for the heads up.

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