Republicans Crashing in Texas

August 08, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s the weather for Austin this week:

But that ain’t nothing compared to the temperature inside the state capitol building.

This is a very complicated story so I’m gonna level it off so that everybody can understand it and not giving up on reading it.

There’s two main characters in this story- both of them are Republicans: Dennis Bonnen, speaker of the Texas House, and Michael Quinn Sullivan, a rotten ass sumbitch who heads a group called Empower Texans.  Needless to say, Empower Texans means empower rich white men and screw everybody else.  They raise tons of money and attempt to take over government, steal every dime, and then overthrow it.

Now I’d like to say there’s a good guy in the story but like every story involving two Republicans, there ain’t.  If there was a boxing match, you’d hope they knocked each other out.

So the story starts like this. For some damn reason, MQS (which is how everybody refers to Michael Quinn Sullivan because it’s too damn hot to type all that out) wanted press passes for his PAC Empower Texans.  So he goes to see Speaker Bonnen. Bonnen is not a friend of Empower Texans, so I have no idea what he was expecting.

Anyway, MQS gets there and Bonnen must have been hitting the bottle pretty hard that day because things went whacky.  MQS, who is such a crook himself that he trusts no one, secretly recorded the meeting.  So, when Bonnen sobered-up and backed out of the deal, MQS went turkey wild.

Holy cow, he blew the top off the capitol dome yelling that he had a recording of Bonnen saying that if EmpowerTexas targeted ten Republican – yes, Republican! – House members, Empower Texans would get their pass.  Yes, he tried to get Republicans to get rid of Republicans.

Needless to say, the ten Republicans on the hit list are a tad pissed off.  But, here’s the catch.  MQS won’t release the tape.  He says it would be too destructive to the GOP for the general public to hear it.  He’s only letting his friends and the ten targeted House members hear it.

But Bonnen knows what’s on the tape and he is crawling on a bed of nails with an elephant on his back begging forgiveness.

Texas House Speaker Dennis Bonnen apologized Tuesday to members for taking a meeting with hardline conservative activist Michael Quinn Sullivan that has since thrown the lower chamber into chaos — and he’s facing mixed reviews from both Republicans and Democrats in the lower chamber over his apology.

“I was stupid to take a meeting with an individual who has worked hard to divide our House,” Bonnen, an Angleton Republican, wrote to House members in an email. “I said terrible things that are embarrassing to the members, to the House, and to me personally.”

Meh.  He’s embarrassed.  Some stinkin’ apology.

Neither side is releasing the tape.  Wanna know why?  Not because of embarrassment, but because they both may have violated state law by making a quid pro quo.

So, Texas Democrats are making sure nothing happens to that tape.


We don’t want the tape floating down the Comal River without an inner tube.

I’m sorry this took me so long to sort out.  If you want to read more, just Google Bonnen and Empower Texans and you’ll get a thousand local stories.

It’s a damn mess and it doesn’t help Texas Republican one damn bit.


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