Republican Women Are So … You Know, Stoopid.

June 06, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I would like to introduce y’all to Heather McGill, wife of Aladamnbama State Senator Shadrack McGill.

Shadrack is no stranger to oddness.  For example, he believes that giving teachers a pay raise will only violate a biblical principle.

“If you double a teacher’s pay scale, you’ll attract people who aren’t called to teach … and these teachers that are called to teach, regardless of the pay scale, they would teach. It’s just in them to do. It’s the ability that God give ’em.”

Obviously his teachers weren’t paid enough.

Heather McGill, Bibles and Bump-Its.

But now, things have turned ugly and his wife, Heather, has done her biblical duty.

Heather claims that stripper women are inviting her husband to “explore” on Facebook and sometimes strippers show up at his office and even at their home.

Heather, who is joyfully yet painfully unaware of how Facebook works, posted on her husband’s Facebook page that she ain’t putting up with this crapola.

She took to Facebook to lecture them on wifely duties.  In says, in part for you people who ain’t on Facebook …

I am very blessed to be the wife of a God fearing, hard working, ministry minded, loving father and husband and it is not just my right but my duty to lovingly serve him by protecting him! I have been silent for long enough!! NO MORE! Multiple times since being in office he has gotten emails from women (who may not even be real) inviting him to explore, also sending pictures of themselves. NO MORE!!!

And then she gets to the real Jesus-loving part.

I boldly stand before you today and declare that I will stand beside my husband, support him, love him, and protect him at ALL cost!!!! Those of you who know who you are consider yourself warned!

Y’all, as entertaining as this all is, I do think someone ought to tell her what spam is and that whoever is sending strippers to her house is a damn funny person.

Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Republican Women Are So … You Know, Stoopid.”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    Sorry, I have to say this. Bless her heart. Really.

  2. Nailing themselves to crosses of their own making has become quite the habit with these so-called Christians…

  3. Aggieland liz says:

    Divorce is biblical too, but it is mentioned on the “shan’t” list, I’m pretty sure. I just know my husband gets spam ads directly related to what I have been viewing on the internets. Poor little Heather.

    My theory is that God REALLY likes thistles and rabbits and simple people, cuz He makes so many of them! Or set them up to make many of themselves. Or something…sigh.

  4. Wyatt_Earl says:

    Think if they only had state senators in Alabama who volunteered – ie, without pay – that we’d get a more dedicated crop of loons?

  5. Umptydump says:

    Heather … Heather … so naive … you really need to be checking on Shadrack when he goes out at night and says he’s just picking up some milk.

  6. Wyatt_Earl – I agree, isn’t serving the people as their state senate representative also a calling that’s “just in them to do. It’s the ability that God give ‘em.”
    Besides, I believe teachers are mentioned in the Bible, but don’t recall a passage about state senators. And if it’s not in the Bible…

  7. And we have an announcement that her husband has strayed outside the bonds of matrimony.

    I really, really hate when people flaunt their religious beliefs, that they are somehow better then you and they really, really have to let you know how god fearing they are. And how the bible rules their life.

    And I’d like this upstanding,god fearing couple to have 3 kids and live on a teacher’s salary, who of course do not deserve a pay raise!

  8. That one drags dumb down to a whole new low..

  9. I have only one thing to say: What the @#$#%$%%@# kind of name is “Shadrack”??

  10. Uncle Dave says:

    Can we get the movie rights to this story? Tammy Wynette’s “Stand By Your Man” would be background music during the opening credits. Randy Quaid is the obvious choice to play Shadrack; he can wear the same clothes he wore as Cousin Eddie in Christmas Vacation. I am open to suggestions as to who plays Heather, but we could cast Honey Boo Boo as a child of theirs. Keep it in Alabama of course. We can even make sequals featuring Shadrack and two fellow Alabama GOP senators, Meshack and Abednego, incorporate stuff from Three Stooges, including pie throwing scenes on the floor of the Alabama Senate. There is money to be made here!

  11. Uncle Dave says:

    KathyS, Shadrach or Shadrack was one of the Israelite captives that Nebuchadnezer had placed in the firey furnace, together with Meschach and Abednego according to the Old Testament account in Daniel. According to Daniel Chapter 1, it was one of Neb’s goons that stuck the victims with those names, which should have been punishment enough for whatever they did.

  12. scottybeamer says:

    Maybe Shadrack could check Craig’s list and meet up with Ezekiel, mentioned in the other posting. They might actually like each other…….or something……just sayin’

  13. @Uncle Dave, thanks for educating me. I remember the story now, but the names slipped my mind – I wonder what Mr. Shadrack’s version of the story he’s named after would sound like??

  14. Oh darlin’ trust me no escort / stripper / lady of the evening “show[s] up at his office and even at their home” without an invite and the expectation that payment will be forthcoming.

    “There are none so blind as those who will not see.”

  15. Amen, Deb … A-friggen-men!! LOL

  16. Sam in Kyle says:

    Possibly he is holding out waiting for a Chippendale dancer.

  17. Is that a critter on her head?!

  18. “If you double a teacher’s pay scale, you’ll attract people who aren’t called to teach … and these teachers that are called to teach, regardless of the pay scale, they would teach. It’s just in them to do. It’s the ability that God give ‘em.”

    And that goes double for the state legislature.

    Heck, let’s apply it to CEOs too. If we give them umptymillion dollars, it’ll just attract people who aren’t called to run companies.

    Or we just say that anyone who thinks God is calling them needs a good checking out before they’re allowed to do anything, especially around kids or laws.

  19. Corinne Sabo says:

    Does she talk to Louie’s guns?

  20. Rubymay says:

    I’m with Rhea on this one. Remember when people thought a person was a tad wacky if they kept hearing voices? Those were the good old days.

    Thank you to all of JJ’s clients for keeping me entertained and enlightened. This truly is more fun that a person should legally be allowed to have with their clothes on. Probably IS illegal in some states.

  21. maryelle says:

    And where, pray tell, is Shad’s take on all these provocative emails and strippers? Lying a bit low, aren’t we, oh ministry-minded Mr. McGoo? Your wife bought your lies, but the rest of us have at least half a brain. Let’s double the teachers’ salaries and cut yours.

  22. Going out at night just to pick up some milk? Shucks. I once knew someone who went out to do just that and came home with two fire extinguishers.

  23. The first question that popped into my mind was whether he’s a triplet.

  24. I truly believe they inhale the fumes from the hairspray they use and it has killed essential brain cells. I don’t mean to impune the fine styling of Juanita’s, I am just saying we have sense enough not to breath in. I also suspect that between their girdles having cut off blood flow to their neithers and the fact that sex is limited to procreation only (one roll in the hay per child), their husbands are forced to seek company else where.
