Republican Goat Rodeos

January 12, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Even during the most depressing of political times, you could always count on the Republican Party to have entertainment supplied by political nincompoops. Republican always have at least one man who would do or say something so ridiculous that it distracted from anything serious that Republicans were trying to accomplish.

It was a sad day when we could no longer count on Madison Cawthorn after he lost his North Carolina primary. Cawthorn thrilled us all with allegations of insider trading, sexual hanky panky, improper payments, vandalism, bringing a handgun to the airport more than once, and appearing in a leaked nude video.  Nude is a polite word for stark raving buck ass nakkid.

And there was always Louie Gohmert, who was the East Texas congresscritter who appeared to be only vaguely familiar with the English language, did not believe in science, did believe the 2022 election was stolen and seriously asked if the Bureau of Land Management could please alter the orbit of the earth’s moon, or the earth’s orbit around the sun, as part of efforts to reduce the impacts of climate change.” Damn, we’re gonna miss him.

But as Newton’s Third Law of Thermodynamics (if the heat ain’t on you, it’s on someone else) commands, the vacuum of leadership in the nincompoop department is always filled.  Now we have newly elected George Santos of New York.

Thank you, Humor gods, for this man who made up his entire life and got elected.  We’re not even sure if it’s the truth that’s his real face he’s wearing.

Mere moments after pretty much the every Republican elected official in his district called for his resignation, Santos decided the appropriate response was to pick a fight with fellow Republican Representative Adam Kinzinger.  When Kinzinger tweeted that Santos should resign, Santos replied: “Go on CNN and cry about it.”

Well, that’s just real damn helpful and friendly.

Welcome, George.  Thank you for your efforts to destroy the Republican Party.


0 Comments to “Republican Goat Rodeos”

  1. As whacked as he is, it doesn’t say much for the people in his district that elected him.

  2. publius bolonius says:

    Cawthorn wasn’t exactly wrong about insider trading. There’s a reason GOPoliticos leave DC much richer than when they arrived. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if Santos was backed by some Wall Street sharpies looking for said insider info. Just sayin’.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Yup, they (repugnanticans) seem to always have a star fake among several fakes. Heck, they elected one for president (and keep him relevant in their party). I would also add, JJ, that it’s not always a man. Thinking of MTG, and she’s not alone, either.

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    The wing nut GOP is always grooming someone to take over. I read in the paper that Kyle Rittenhouse is appearing at a bar in Conroe to support their Texit movement (secession for you non-RWNJs). Just like the Texas GOP this summer, a group wants to secede. Once they get rid of Santos, Rittenhouse is standing in the wings!

  5. How does Santos even stand up with complete emptiness taking the place of his bones and organs? Still good for a sad laugh though. I think.

  6. I’m not 100% sure what he’s doing with his left hand, but it sure looks like the white power gang signal to me. Anyone got a better idea?

  7. @El Tex #6, you have a good eye! That is, indeed, the white power gang signal.

  8. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Texas has been threatening to secede at least since Obama was elected. It’s just another grift, like the money trump gets from the rubes for his “campaign” and lawsuits.

  9. I don’t know what’s with some of these guys who think they are honorary white guys (Enrique Tarrio, Kanye West) or token homosexuals accepted by Republicans. When the s… hits the fan, they will be so so expendable. And George Santos, who is white-ish rather than jew-ish, won’t fit the mold either (assuming he’s not in a Brazilian prison somewhere). Where do these delusions come from? Useful idiots, that’s all they are. I don’t know where the color line is drawn, but it won’t be beneficial to anyone one even a hint of a racial/sexual orientation question.

  10. Ted, not Cruz says:

    With the GOP, lying is not a bug, it’s a feature.

  11. The fellow gives me definite Rittenhouse vibes. Appearance mainly, lying also. I don’t think stability is his strong suite.

  12. The Surly Professor says:

    publius bolonius: you’re close … but it’s not Wall Street, at least not directly. Instead he seems to have the backing of some truly scuzzy Italians. A family that owns a local restaurant, with one family member kicked out of the US but was caught later bringing in a boatload of Chinese wannabe immigrants, along with $200k in cash. There’s a whiff of money laundering, as well as “structuring payments” to get around FEC rules. E.g., many charges at the restaurant that come to $199.99, while any amount of $200 up requires receipts if you pay with “campaign funds”.

    But I think we can let him be a millstone around McCarthy’s neck. It’s the others in his party that are truly dangerous, and we should not let the latest bright and shiny idiot distract us from their more deadly efforts.

  13. That boy will go far!
    Year after year we are seeing the Republican cycle of dysfunction. Insanity and hate, breed insanity and hate.
    Not that long ago, and before the much needed Dominion’s $1.6bn defamation lawsuit against Fox News, we would shockingly see Gohmert, Cawthorn and Santos on Fox ‘Hate’ News as political consultants or as a vice presidential nominee. Wingnut welfare in action. Hate is a lucrative business

  14. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Sorry to bring this up, but in other news…..I’ve been holding off on this. Say it ain’t so, Joe.
    A week after Weisselberg gets slapped on the wrist for fraud in the Trump organization, we learn he didn’t take a plea giving up the teflon don. Instead he took the whole responsibility and prosecutors let the head of the snake skate.
    Now, Biden gives trumpf a belated Christmas present with the revelations of having classified documents as well. It’s up to three places where he kept them. Obviously the way the documents are being given up by Biden and lawyers is different than how the orange moron and attorneys did it. That likely won’t matter as trumpf will skate on the “theft” of classified material. Damn.
    This was also a gift to the repugnanticans in the house of vengeance, as if they needed more red meat. Now they have more than naked Hunter Biden pictures to obsess over. Damn it. Sorry for such a downer post.

  15. Steve from Beaverton @ 4,

    The Biden classified documents thing just sounds fishy – like a Republican set up for impeachment or from keeping him from running in 2024. How do we know that those documents weren’t “planted” to be discovered?

    Surly Professor @ 12,

    Santos won’t qualify for a general or top security clearance. Please Brazil, come and get him.

  16. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Papa, that they were planted would be believable but in the latest find, they were in his Delaware residence. We’ll need to find out from the now special counsel investigation. I’d like to believe he just spaced it out (which I believe) but that would lead to other conclusions by R’s. I thought the National Archivists were supposed to be on top of that, and maybe they were informing Biden and attorneys to find them (as they did to trumpf many many months ago and he ignored/hid). Regardless, this just plays right into repugnantican’s narrative. My wife just said something that is so true- repugnanticans will always leave leave a turd on the sidewalk and Democrats usually step right in it.

  17. thatotherjean says:


    The Biden documents don’t sound fishy if you remember the chaos during the Obama to Trump transition. Trump figured that Obama’s staffers would also be his staffers (because he’s an idiot), and made almost no plans until the very last minute. There was a huge rush for the Obama bunch to pack up and get out, and I’m not surprised that records that Biden was working with got dumped in with other things that needed to be moved, rather than properly returned to NARA. I can also see how some wound up in an old office, and others were taken to his house and stored with other things, effectively forgotten.

    Once found, NARA was immediately notified, and came and got the records. Biden wasn’t trying to hide anything, didn’t claim to own them, and didn’t refuse to return them, then lie about what had been returned, quite unlike The Former Guy.
    I don’t think the two cases involving classified files were anything alike, at all. TFG needs to go to jail; Biden needs to apologize (which I think he already has).

  18. slipstream says:

    What’s the problem? Trump already declassified them.

  19. Mary in San Antonio says:

    Santos and Gaetz appeared on Bannon’s podcast and Santos is now claiming he’s “led an honest life and has never been accused of doing anything bad.” Then why is Brazil wanting to reopen a case against you, George?

    I guess his definition of honest and doing bad things are different from mine.

  20. Doing a *Trumpy* – has to be in the spotlight .

  21. Harry Eagar says:

    20 comments and nary a mention of Herschel. How quickly we forget.

  22. Steve from Beaverton @ 16 and theotherJean @17,

    Your points are well taken. I believe Biden is innocent, but perhaps a little sloppy with documents. However, I find these discoveries a little more than just coincidental, given the Republicans zeal for revenge.

  23. Jane & PKM says:

    Forget what Santos or any GOP says, it is all about appearance with the GOP. Seriously. Look at Santos, he’s the dumber Marco Rubio. Same face, only dumber. Please don’t ask *me* why. But. For some reason the GOP is seeking dumber tokens each year. Michael Steele was way too smart for them, so voila they had candidate Herschel Walker. Dunno some really absurd/strange way of maybe? establishing white supremacy???

    Rethinking my theory. TFG aka Orange Foolius who was seriously stupid, crazier than an outhouse rat. So why did Morton C. Blackwell hand select him of all people of the available crazies in the 2015 GOP primaries? Why of course. He was orange, not white. Strange. But I may be onto something. The GOP is desperate to prove white ‘superiority.’ That would also explain their science hating. That DNA stuff sucks the white out of them.

  24. Someone has questioned whether those big black glasses Santos wears are even prescription lenses. Or does he wear them just to look smarter? Inquiring minds want to know.
