Republican Consultant Wars! My Favorite Sport to Wager On!
Texas Comptroller Susan Combs is not running for reelection. With Rick Perry hiking the Nobel Peace Prize Trail, Texas Republicans are playing musical officeholder chairs. They are all scampering around to fill the idiot void in Texas elective office.
My personal State Senator, Glen Hegar, the man behind the anti-choice bill, wants to be comptroller. There only two things working against him. (1) He’s dumber than dog dump, and (2) you know how they say that politics is show business for ugly people? They met Glen Hegar.
Bless his heart, he kinda makes your eyes fog over.
I suspect the Republicans were willing to let him be comptroller because the comptroller doesn’t have to come out into the light of day too often.
But after he hacked off enough Texas women to staff a space program, he’s got some Republican competition. State Rep. Harvey Hilderbran has decided to take him on.
And what to Republicans like more than they even hate women? Money.
So, Hilderbran’s campaign rolled his state representative money into his new campaign account and puffed themselves up with – get ready for this term – “fundraising prowess” to show they have lots of support.
Now in Texas, politicians rarely talk (see #1 above) but let their consultants do the talking.
“How can people trust Harvey Hilderbran to give an accurate revenue estimate if he can’t give an accurate report of his campaign finances,” said Hegar consultant Todd M. Smith.
Hilderbran consultant Matt Mackowiak responded, “How can Texas voters trust a candidate for comptroller who hires a consultant who doesn’t understand basic accounting terms?”
More importantly, how can Texans support any guy who is paying people money to make second grade faces at each other? I mean, both those candidates paid cash American money for that.
They say that about five more people are entering that race. Let’s hope they get some who can throw spitballs.