
April 15, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just a heads-up to Texans that you do not want to miss the Roasting of retiring Democratic Chairman Boyd Richie.  Our friend Harold Cook is mc-ing.  They have conveniently scheduled it to follow the War on Women march in Austin on April 28th.

I am going to be in a foreign state that day but I asked Harold if I could give him $100 cash American money to come over to my house the following week and do it all over again for me.  He said no.  Unnecessarily loudly, if you ask me.  Plus, he said people were coming in from outta town and all so it just wouldn’t be the same.  Well, duh, I don’t want it the same.  I want it better than the same.  Hell, the 28th is just dress rehearsal if you ask me.

But since they are not going to have a repeat performance, you better get your tickets.

Even though I’m not going to be there, I bought 5 tickets to give to friends so they can write down all the good lines for me to steal later on. And you won’t know if I stole them unless you go, so you better go.

You can buy your ticket right here.

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