Remind Me: How Many Strikes Do You Get?

January 07, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When Trump said he was going to call the government shutdown a “strike,” I got real confused.

It couldn’t be a union strike because in that case the workers voluntarily walk off the job. The meaning is that the little guys band together to face off the big guy.  That’s not happening here.  In union terms, this is a lockout, not a strike.

Maybe he meant bowling. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Trump takes his big ball and smashes the little pins every which away.  No, wait, there  problem with that.  No big ball.

Baseball? A strike is a bad thing.  You only get three of them before you have to go back to the bench.  Trump is way over three so he probably wouldn’t admit to many more.

However, I think umpire Pelosi calls like she sees it and a baseball strike is probably what’s happening here.

Thanks to Chloe Bear for the heads up.


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