Remember When This Was Unthinkable?
The Washington Post outlines Trump’s Tribute to Trump on the Fourth of July.
Trump has been fixated since early in his term with putting on a military-heavy parade or other celebration modeled on France’s Bastille Day celebration, which he attended in Paris in 2017. Trump angrily backed off plans for a grand Veterans Day parade down Pennsylvania Avenue in 2018 amid concerns from District officials over costs and potential road damage from military vehicles.
Mr. Bone Spurs is spending tax dollars as fast as he can to put on this event, even though the National Park Service is already running in the red. There’s even going to be special VIP seating for his friends and major donors, which kinda spoils the whole meaning of Independence Day.
It appears that Trump has not hired someone to be the “designated event producer. But in this case, the producer is the president himself.” He’s meeting with planners several times a day and making most decisions himself. Hey, at least it’s keeping his nose out of real governing.
Pray for rain.