Remember When Ebola Was Going To Kill Us All?

January 14, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republicans loved Ebola.  It was a helluva way to scare people.

Right before the election last year, Darrell Issa touted a phone app to use to see if you have Ebola, Louie Gohmert was just certain that the President was importing Ebola, David Vitter wanted a detailed emergency Ebola plan while Erick Erickson said the outbreak was caused by fat lesbians, Republicans demanded an Ebola Czar, and Ted Cruz drooled.

And this happened in October, right before the mid-term elections, and Republicans ran around with their hair on fire yelping that only they cared about this being the end. of. the. damn. world.

Well, once again, they were wrong.

Republican cannot be wrong.  They just can’t do it.

So, our friends over at GOP USA have an explanation.

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Yep, that says Ebola was simply a ruse to keep our eyes off something even worse coming from Mexico.  That’s a news flash, my friend.

And since there’s no elections coming up, this time they want to sell you something for just $49.  It’s a book telling you how to put on a band-aid, put together a first aid kit, get your medicines in 3 month supplies, and “putting a shoulder back in place.”  Warning:  do not try to do that to me.  I will hurt you.  Badly.

So anyway, Ebola is not a thing now but you still need to be scared poopless.

We’re here to keep you up to date on your Republican scare tactics.


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