Remember When?

June 28, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Remember when Republicans hated activist judges and thought local control was better than federal control?

“How long ago was that?” Juanita ponders.  “Oh yeah, yester-freekin-day!”

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that the Constitution’s “right to keep and bear arms” applies nationwide as a restraint on the ability of the federal, state and local governments to substantially limit its reach.

By a 5-4 vote split along familiar ideological lines, the nation’s highest court extended its landmark 2008 ruling that individual Americans have a constitutional right to own guns to all the cities and states for the first time.

“So, let me get this straight.  They are now against local control and they are now for activist judges.  Somebody write this down somewhere because they might need reminding of this flip flop in a day or two.  Or maybe in an hour.”

“I just wanna say one thing.  I am a gun owner.  I’m not one of those who thinks that nobody should own a gun.  But, I just have to wonder how damn tiny a guy’s winkie has to be for him to need a gun every damn place he goes?  And to force all the other under-endowed guys to carry one, too?”

“We’re gonna end up with a bunch of under-endowed guys shooting each other to death in church one Sunday morning,” she predicts.

“And that would be a bad thing because …..?” Thelma interrupts.

Juanita grins and continues her rant.  “And I also wonder about this argument that they need a gun to protect themselves from their government.  That might have made sense in 1776.  But lookie here, you bozos, the government has tanks and drones and nukes.   Your handgun ain’t gonna help matters much against a tank, no matter what ammo you use.  Do you think you have the right to own a nuke now days to protect yourself against the government?”

“Be careful.  Don’t give them any ideas, Juanita,” Verdelia warns.  “Dirt Janochek is already saving up to buy a hunting helicopter.”

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