Remember Trump University?

February 25, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember Trump University?  Yeah, well, that’s okay because they never heard of you either.

But, something fun may be afoot with good Ole Trump U.

Trump_ScumdogTrump_ScumdogThis spring, just as the GOP nomination battle enters its final phase, frontrunner Donald Trump could be forced to take time out for some unwanted personal business: He’s due to take the witness stand in a federal courtroom in San Diego, where he is being accused of running a financial fraud.

It seems that Trump University was a $60,000 per person fraud.

The plaintiffs, former students at Trump University, allege they were misled into maxing out their credit cards and paying up to $60,000 in fees for seminars in hotel ballrooms and “mentoring” by Trump’s “hand-picked” real estate experts.

Donald Trump misleading people to get their money? Really? You could plug me in to a downshifting nuclear powered submarine and I wouldn’t be more shocked!

Trump on the witness stand?  That’ll be yuuuuugh.


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0 Comments to “Remember Trump University?”

  1. WA Skeptic says:

    Is there a Crayon called “Not Surprised”??

  2. The lawsuit against the school, which is no longer in business, alleges the seminars turned into little more than an “infomercial” and the Trump mentors offered “no practical advice” and “mostly disappeared.”

    Kinda like the saner members of the Republican Party wish The Donald would do?

  3. Aggieland Liz says:

    I’d still rather have him than Cruz for Pete’s sake. Anybody know who Karl Rove is grifting off these days…?

  4. I repeat . . . there is not enough popcorn in the world.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    With a h/t to Primo, the Teflon Don Hairleone strikes again. Maybe if the snacilbupeR candidates were not so busy trying to prematurely take down HRC with imaginary ‘gate’ scandals and tarnish Bernie with distortions of his policies, they could attend to their own party cancer in their primary weeks.

    ROFL What could be more tin ear than sending out Mittens $Rmoney to cast aspersions on Don Hairleone’s tax returns? What next, Loopy Louie to present him with a fatal bouquet of asparagus?

    If snacilbupeR understood fascism, or cared, they would recognize that screwing over students is bad. Wait … Nah. Privatizing public schools for profit under many names is what they are all about as they destroy things in the path of profit. This isn’t a “missed opportunity” for the other snacilbupeR to score on T-Rump; they really don’t “see” or care.

  6. Well once again Miz JJ sets ’em all up and then knocks ’em all down in a couple of sentences, to wit:
    “Donald Trump misleading people to get their money? Really? You could plug me in to a downshifting nuclear powered submarine and I wouldn’t be more shocked!”

    We are so unworthy!!!

  7. God made sheep to be sheared. Ask Sen. Snake oil.

  8. The more the rich right talks about values, the more they care about short-term profit and nothing else.

  9. Let’s hope this doesn’t end up being whitewashed like the Perry fiasco. Of course his supporters won’t care a whit, but it may finally push moderates off the edge. It will also give the GOP an excuse to refuse his nomination. The fix may not be in this time.

  10. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I really wish federal courts were more tolerant of cameras in the court room. Having video of his testimony would be priceless.

  11. Marcia in CO says:

    And remember … The Donald likes ’em poorly educated … he was only doing his part to make sure the poor stay dumbed down and even poorer!

    He is such a slimy bast___!!

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Ralph Wiggam, too bad T-Rump won’t be sporting an orange jumpsuit and experiencing ‘justice’ from the nearest county jail via closed circuit TV, while an overworked public defender struggles to remember which case among too many is his.

    Wish just one allegedly “activist” judge would look at the teams of legal representation these white privileged a$$ clowns bring into their court. Then, let him keep one attorney and send the remaining however many over to the Public Defenders Office to pick up a minimum of ten pro bono cases each. And, to keep them honest, they pick up ten more pro bono cases for each one they lose.

  13. There is a silver lining in every cloud.

    A Trumpf presidency would be Cosmic karmic pay-back to McConnell and the republican nation.

    Maybe the rest of us can ascend to our reward, or at least move to Canada.

  14. Yes, I remember Trump University and I knew it exactly for the sleazy carnival show that it was. Who in their right mind would fall for that bleep? Yes, he really, really, really needs to be taken to the woodshed for this and sooner rather than later, preferably before the Rethug convention. I think the RNC, Cruz, Rubio, Kasich and yes even Mittens is praying for this! As for his damn taxes, yes, his corporate stuff is probably written in sanskrit but the real jackpot is his personal filing. Thats the one everybody wants to see!

  15. e platypus onion says:

    Short term profits is and has values. The more profits you gets,the more values it has.

  16. Marge Wood says:

    Perry fiasco? Ken the Crook? Trump the unspeakable whose wife is really cool, the sane one in the family? When are we getting special rates to go to Canada?
