Remember How You Thought The Voter Fraud Commission Was Dead and Gone? Zombie Alert!

January 05, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so we talked about how the Voter Fraud Commission was a total bust and they were dissolving it completely while everybody chuckled.

Not so fast, Cowboy.  Apparently we forgot to put a stake in its heart.

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, vice chairman of the commission, says we shouldn’t get too excited.

The Kansas official said he expects officials from Immigration and Customs Enforcement and political appointees overseeing that agency to take over the commission’s work and begin efforts to match state voter rolls to federal databases of noncitizens. He insisted he was not disappointed with the president’s decision.

“It’s the right move,” Kobach said. “It’s a shifting in tactics from having the investigation be done by a federal commission to having it be done by a federal agency. The agency has a greater ability to move quickly to get the investigation done.”

Holy damn cow on farm-fresh grain, ICE is taking over the investigation because it’ better to have an “agency” than a “commission.”  I think what he’s saying is that agencies have guns.

While Kobach admits that ICE knows diddle squat about voter fraud, he is terribly excited about ICE messing in the election process of the United States of damn America.  Somebody please add his name to the Lost His Mind List.

Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

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