Remember How Islamofacist Didn’t Make Sense? Welcome to Christian Libertarianism.

May 13, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so Libertarians follow the teaching of Ayn Rand, an atheist crazy woman with exceptionally juvenile writing skills and plot development in her defense of narcissisticly murdering the social contract.

And here’s how they act.

Supporters of Ron Paul booed presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s son off the stage Saturday at the Arizona Republican Party convention, as he sought to solidify support for his father’s nomination.

So, while claiming to believe in individualism, they hunt as a pack devouring any individualism in their way to their ultimate goal of being Mad Max.

I do not like these people.  I call them Looneytarians.

One of the reasons they have not gained acceptance in the GOP is that they don’t love Jesus.  Okay, I realize the GOP doesn’t love Sweet Jesus either, but they say they do and  that’s all that matters to them.

So, here come Rand Paul.  Somebody must have taken him down to the river and dunked him to wipe away all his atheist sins because he’s decided that talking “morals” is suddenly real  important.

Here we go for a ride on the Crazymobile

“I tend not to wear my faith on my sleeve,” he said, adding later that “I see decisions government makes almost always in moral terms.”

He spoke about his opposition to abortion and gay marriage, his fiscal conservativism and his opposition to war….

His strongest partisan line was to criticize President Barack Obama’s position on gay marriage.

“He said that his views were evolving on marriage. Call me cynical, but I didn’t think his views on marriage could be any gayer,” Paul said.

What the …. ?

Rand Paul: IslamoChristian

Libertarians are supposed to be FOR women making their own choices and people marrying who they want to.  Where’s Ayn Rand at the only time you really need her?

Bless his heart, Rand Paul is the worst of two worlds.  That’s hard to do.  You can’t do that accidentally.

I am trying to say something wise, intellectual, and calm about calling something “gay” when you mean “bad” in this day and age.  I have decided it is, “Come over here for a few minutes, Son, while I hold your head in the toilet and flush a few times.”

Plus, I do not even want to know here he got those hair plugs, but I must sweetly suggest it’s how he got his head up his butt.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Remember How Islamofacist Didn’t Make Sense? Welcome to Christian Libertarianism.”

  1. Yes, the Loonytarians are all for freedumb and liburrtea. Only for those with certain reproductive organs and a certain shade of skin color, of course.
    His hair reminds me of Captain Kirk’s poodle-do in whichever Star Trek movie that was.
    I can’t think of anyone more deserving of these whackadoodles than the Regressives.

  2. The Paulettes pick and choose from Ayn Rand writings, the Bible, the Koran and any other books that may confirm one of their silly thoughts. A true Libertarian would not be concerned with her people’s sex lives, reproductive parts, or religious beliefs.

    The Looneytarians are nothing but a cult, and a dangerous one at that. I hope they don’t discover this thread or they will try to takeover. Watch out, Juanita Jean!

  3. “Cafeteria” Libertarians like Paul The Younger are every bit as annoying as “cafeteria” Christians…picking which items in the serving line they like (the chocolate cake), leaving the items they don’t like (the beets).

    And you’d think Ayn Rand’s philosophy of rational egoism (Me! Me! Me!) would be like Kryptonite to so-called Christians.

  4. Rand Paul was Kentucky wing nuts……. and that is the only reason he has a voice…. in American politics.

    I’m trying to figure out…. how much, and long, do we have to ignore these people…. before (a) they go away….. or (b) the “so-called media” does not think that their every utterance…. is “news-worthy”……


  5. Ralph Wiggam says:

    A long time ago I befriended a man named John. He is gay. He taught early in our friendship that a toilet is NOT a ‘john’ and ‘gay’ is NOT an insult.

    See, there is another reason I like diversity.

  6. Bud Malone says:

    That first paragraph is classic. I may use it in a future reference to a few other crazy people of my acquaintance.

  7. Elise Von Holten says:

    Kellybee–I do have a” healthy-ish” recipe for chocolate cake that is made with beets…so it fits that when asked, I say I am a “Christed” Jew-Bu—that one sets off all kinds of crazy–and I have no defense…path is path–“I am what I am”(Popeye) and what I have learned is other people’s opinion of me is none of my beeswax–my relationship with, the eternal, my partner and community is my business and how I am is reflected back in my world. The squirrels and nutcases, because of the 24 media circus, will not go away–We need to stop caring what people think (one of the last traps before enlightenment) and get on with the Samaritan thing…and/or foil hats to protect us …(just kidding!)

  8. If only someone would put out the Jesus version of the Open Letter to Dr. Laura so I could have some ammo when surrounded by the crazy. Seems like the more they lose the battle against common sense the more desperate they get.

    Can you imagine trying to find anything, ANYTHING, in Jesus’ teachings that have anything to do with Liberetardarianism? And Rand Paul ain’t no Joseph Smith.

  9. Irishrover says:

    Thanks to Kellybee : The whole republican Party is made up of “Cafeteria Christians” who pick and choose from the Bible. Here’s the thing, they don’t have to like or know Jesus to use Him. And Jesus must be so embarassed when he looks down on the Republican Party.
