Remember How Islamofacist Didn’t Make Sense? Welcome to Christian Libertarianism.
Okay, so Libertarians follow the teaching of Ayn Rand, an atheist crazy woman with exceptionally juvenile writing skills and plot development in her defense of narcissisticly murdering the social contract.
And here’s how they act.
Supporters of Ron Paul booed presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s son off the stage Saturday at the Arizona Republican Party convention, as he sought to solidify support for his father’s nomination.
So, while claiming to believe in individualism, they hunt as a pack devouring any individualism in their way to their ultimate goal of being Mad Max.
I do not like these people. I call them Looneytarians.
One of the reasons they have not gained acceptance in the GOP is that they don’t love Jesus. Okay, I realize the GOP doesn’t love Sweet Jesus either, but they say they do and that’s all that matters to them.
So, here come Rand Paul. Somebody must have taken him down to the river and dunked him to wipe away all his atheist sins because he’s decided that talking “morals” is suddenly real important.
Here we go for a ride on the Crazymobile —
“I tend not to wear my faith on my sleeve,” he said, adding later that “I see decisions government makes almost always in moral terms.”
He spoke about his opposition to abortion and gay marriage, his fiscal conservativism and his opposition to war….
His strongest partisan line was to criticize President Barack Obama’s position on gay marriage.
“He said that his views were evolving on marriage. Call me cynical, but I didn’t think his views on marriage could be any gayer,” Paul said.
What the …. ?
Libertarians are supposed to be FOR women making their own choices and people marrying who they want to. Where’s Ayn Rand at the only time you really need her?
Bless his heart, Rand Paul is the worst of two worlds. That’s hard to do. You can’t do that accidentally.
I am trying to say something wise, intellectual, and calm about calling something “gay” when you mean “bad” in this day and age. I have decided it is, “Come over here for a few minutes, Son, while I hold your head in the toilet and flush a few times.”
Plus, I do not even want to know here he got those hair plugs, but I must sweetly suggest it’s how he got his head up his butt.
Thanks to David for the heads up.