Remember David Hamilton? UPDATED
UPDATE: David Hamilton and his prissy wife got their butts handed to them on a platter. He got 33% of the vote. Which tells you that 33% of Republicans believe that hitting women for Jesus’ sake is acceptable behavior.
Do y’all remember me telling you about David Hamilton, the Super DeLux Brand Christian who is running for State bRepresenative?
Both Hamilton and his wife are campaigning within the 100 foot maker at the polls. They have both been confronted and they just laugh about it.
Here’s proof of the wife openly violating state law.
I’ll just run over there and glare at her. Isn’t there anyone in any offices wherever he’s running who have the authority to make ’em quit it? He’s cheatinggg, Mommmmyyyyy.
1@Marge Wood: A local deputy sheriff should be minimally sufficient. The local Texas Ranger (law enforcement not baseball) if you’d like to draw an adoring crowd. Y’know “one riot one Ranger”.
2Be careful, he’s liable to hit women not voting for him.
3Those laws only apply to other people, not the ones who declare themselves as having by chosen by JHWH. On the local level, there is a ramp about 25 feet long that leads up to the door to the room where the silver-haired women (I think that’s a requirement for the job) find your name in the book and let you sign-in. The next one in line hands you the ballot which you then take over to the marking desks (they used to have card-punchers on them but now they are only desks) where you fill out your answer sheet blackening the ovals completely. Then walk back toward the door you came in and under the watchful eyes of the next silver-haired lady you carefully remove the stub and feed the ballot to the ballot eating machine which will complain if you failed to darken any of the ovals correctly or (worse) darkened more than the right number. If you have too many they have to declare your ballot spoiled and give you a different one but if you don’t have enough it gives you the option to correct your under-vote or not. So depending on whether or not the “polling place” is defined by the bottom of the ramp, the door, the place where you get your ballot, the place where you mark your ballot or the place where you cast your ballot, the people standing at the bottom of the ramp handing out campaign literature and helpful hints about who to vote for are always too close. But I have fun with them so that the lady with the “GT” Thompson materials can be taken aback when I ask if she has one that says “Anybody BUT GT”.
4When I’ve worked polls before, we either just spoke nicely but firmly to folks like that or else called the Elections office. I wish we had ballots that say ANYONE BUT ABBOTT. Hey, that woulda made a good bumper sticker.
5Marge Wood, hit him harder with a “Cabot before Abbott” bumper sticker. (Cabot as in Henry Cabot Lodge II, d.1980)
Problems with the vote in NC already, not that it was unexpected. Sadly, Republicans would not be embarrassed, if U.N. observers were called in to monitor our elections.
6Laws don’t apply to Republicans when there is an R sheriff.
7Not wishing to run into anyone with Glenn Thompson or Tom Corbett or even Luke Lofgren campaign materials, I always sneak in the back door of the borough building where the polls are located, as I do not trust myself to properly and civilly address the opposition.
8If they claim Jesus made them do it, I hope the police station that arrests them will only accept bail money from Jesus himself.
That should give David and the little woman a little more time to chat with the voices they hear in their heads.
9I can’t look at that picture and not think of this:
Lightens the mood for me today.
10@Rick: You make a good point. Most of us hear the voices in our heads. Chatting them up is quite another issue.
11Yes, it is ok if you talk to yourself. You are only in trouble if you answer, “What did you say?”
12Use a hose on her like you would another female dog in heat.
13It’s absolutely sickening that the Christian Dominionists get away with flouting the law. If the situation involved a Democrat, particularly a minority, they would have been hauled away and prosecuted. That’s after likely being beaten or tased.
14How can I watch election returns live streaming in Austin? I’m poking around but figure someone here knows.
15@ Marge. Texas Tribune has some ongoing covearge at their website.
16Greetings to Pennsyltucky! I know whereof you speak. The campaigners at my polling place this AM were about 50 feet from the door. Thats cuz its a parking lot and they were allowed to use the traffic safety island to set up their stuff. Otherwise they would have been stuck in the middle of vehicle traffic and flattened. My old polling place was a school and the campaigners were a lot closer because of the street. The school made an “adjustment”. They had the voting area moved much farther back in the building so the 100 foot thingy was honored in a way.
17Did I read somewhere that Texas is one of about 5 states that were being monitored by the DOJ or some other agency this election? This need to be reported to them if that’s true.
18Did Chuckee Cheezy Christian win? If this is what we have to look forward, that’s the beginning of the end for non-Christians, and the beginning of something far worse.
19The photo of Hamilton’s wife’s illegal campaigning was shared on Hamilton’s Facebook page with a little note.
20Looks like he took it down!
21Juanita Jean, that this ____ fooled 33% of the voters is criminal. Those men should be ashamed of themselves and the women need help, but sadly don’t know that they need help. Evangelical women are their own second worst nightmare, after the men in their lives.
51% of the voting age population is comprised of woman. But with those women who vote against their own interests and the interests of other women, there is a huge problem.
How can we help them? The same way we need to reach other low information voters who also vote against their own interests? Maybe. It’s worth doing all we can to help them.
While I certainly wouldn’t advocate abandoning anyone, maybe we can better help everyone by reaching the voters able to make independent decisions that will improve the lives of everyone.
22Raise the minimum wage
Income equality
Marriage equality
Health, infrastructure and safety (no more unjustified wars)
Holy crap. He got less of the vote than Wendy Davis.