Remember Dan “Praise The Lord” Patrick?

May 27, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Well, the dude is running for the United States Senate.

According to the Quorum Report, Dan Patrick has formed an “exploratory committee” (perhaps involving exploring women’s vaginas, I dunno.) to run for the United States of American Senate.

Dan Patrick

If you’ve forgotten who Dan is, here’s a tidy little reminder.

Last I heard on late night kook talk radio, Dan was in a slapping match with Lt. Governor David Dewhurst.  No, I am serious.  They were the subject of the night on kook radio.

Protest Over TSA

First hour guest, radio host Alex Jones talked about his protest over the Texas Legislature shelving the so-called TSA “groping” bill (halting invasive security pat-downs). Though the bill had passed in the House, the Dept. of Justice had sent a threatening letter that they would shut down Texas airports if the law was enacted, he explained. Jones contended that this action was a step toward martial law, and that the invasive pat-downs are setting the stage for forced inoculations. More here.

Go ahead and click the more here button and welcome yourself to Tin Foil Hat Land, staring Dan Patrick!  And don’t forget to read the comments afterward.

David Dewhurst

Juanita grins and says, “Okay, you may be having an interesting Republican primary senate race in your state, but I’ll betcha we’re the only state whose Republican primary is being played out on late night talk radio by people who think Klaus Barbie, the Bilderbergs, the New World Order, the Masons, and  the Illuminati are taking over Texas by using fluoride, psychic power, zombies, and the coming Obama prison camps.  Yeah, buddy, this one will entertain us.”

I would also like to note that I am probably the only unlicensed blogger in Texas who will bring you this powerful, vital, and earth-shaking information because I will go to the ends of the earth, even braving 3:00 am radio, to bring you the best information possible.  That’s just the kind of investigative reporter I am.

No, seriously, it was on kook talk radio last night.

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