Referee Soon To Call Piling-On Penalty on Democrats

May 05, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Scott Walker, the quarterback of Wisconsin Republicans, was sacked in the end zone and the piling on has begun!

In a race that centered on Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) attack on the rights of public employees to bargain for middle-class jobs, Democratic state Assembly candidate Steve Doyle easily won a seat that had been held by Republicans for 16 years.

In a special election to replace the previous assembly member whom Walker tapped for a top job in his administration, Doyle won 54 percent to 46 percent over Walker-backed candidate John Lautz.

“I’m gonna tell you something, Babydoll, Scott Walker has done more for Democrats than I ever could have done,” Juanita admits with gratitude.

“Except maybe for this dude:  if you’ve got nine minutes of your life that you don’t need, check this “Angry White Man” out.  There appears to be no limit to insanity,” she grins.  “He’s going to open mandatory re-education centers for African Americans, and toss out every Muslim.  I imagine his speech is even stronger in the original German.”

“I’m proud to say that Grady Warren hisveryownself sent me the link to his YouTube.”

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