Record Breaking Campaign Donations

October 29, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

In the final 20 days of a given federal election, the FEC requires House, Senate and quarterly-filing presidential committees file a 48-Hour Notice (Form 6) anytime they receive a contribution of $1,000 or more.

Are you curious about how TFG’s “real” campaign committee was doing just before the fascist display at Madison Square Garden? So am I.

So it was fortuitous that Alfredo at the Dairy Queen passed a note to inform us that the haul taken in the interval before his “MSG Fascist Fest” of people donating more than $1,000 was a grand total of $5,164.08 from five donors.

This must be some sort of record.

I mean, that’s it. That’s all of it. That’s pitiful by anyone’s calculation and conveys a message all by itself.

But here’s the thing. I am a little flummoxed about why 4 of the 5 payers donated exactly $1,041.02.

See? $1,041.02!

I get it about the secret numbers that people use to convey their juvenile messages, but, aside from an error code from the Zoom app, this one has me beat.

Does anyone have any idea what the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks this number could possibly mean? Please ask your fascist friends if you still have any.

0 Comments to “Record Breaking Campaign Donations”

  1. I asked about that exact same donation amount on your Salon article of 22 October, comment #1.. No response yet.
    It’s quite curious though, it must mean something to the more affluent MAGAot crowd.

    FEC Filing Follies:

    “Lots of patterns and commonalities there. And some squirrely stuff, like the odd, apparently meaningful, donation amounts of, for example, $1041.02 for many of the TFFG donors.”

  2. PS: The forms that you linked in the 22 Oct Salon article actually listed the names, addresses, etc., for each of the donors (unless they omitted it, then the FEV made a notation, and presumably intended for a follow up).
    So a little more investigation might shake something loose.

  3. Oh yeah, wonder how much that the Harris and Walz campaign raked in on the same basis? Probably a whole lot more dinero.
    The better to bury these lousy Republikkkans once and for all.
    Ain’t nothing but a massive landslide is going to finish them off.

  4. FEC totals:

    Harris and Walz:
    Total receipts $997,950,787.25
    Total contributions $504,772,445.59

    tRump and Vance:

    Total receipts $391,949,664.42
    Total contributions $54,797,028.57

    Cash summary
    Coverage dates: 11/15/2022 to 10/16/2024
    Ending cash on hand $36,214,682.19
    Debts/loans owed to committee $2,864,905.96
    Debts/loans owed by committee $10,445.91

  5. Ignore the previous incomplete comment.

    You don’t have to be an accountant to see that the Harris and Walz campaign is nearly three times better off than that pseudo-billionaire tRums campaign.

    A quick summary of the key campaign finance items:

    FEC totals:

    Harris and Walz:
    Total receipts $997,950,787.25
    Total contributions $504,772,445.59

    Cash summary
    Coverage dates: 01/01/2021 to 10/16/2024
    Ending cash on hand $118,825,510.44
    Debts/loans owed to committee $0.00
    Debts/loans owed by committee $0.00

    tRump and Vance:

    Total receipts $391,949,664.42
    Total contributions $54,797,028.57

    Cash summary
    Coverage dates: 11/15/2022 to 10/16/2024
    Ending cash on hand $36,214,682.19
    Debts/loans owed to committee $2,864,905.96
    Debts/loans owed by committee $10,445.91

    You’d think that Comrade Donnei would just loan his sinking campaign a couple of hundred million dollars, pocket change, and equalize things out…
    A piddling amount for a billionaire in such a high stakes game, no?

  6. Stan in NJ says:

    Well, it may be a really oblique way to refer to “draining the swamp”. Googling “1041.02” will get you a hit on a sewer drain spec.

  7. Pretty much the same from Forbes:

    Trump Vs. Harris Fundraising Race: Harris Outraised Trump 3-To-1 With Last Pre-Election Report

  8. OK. I’ll bite. 4 times that number rumbles down to 4164.08. Edit out the decimal dot and it looks like the code to get into somewhere that is supposed to be secret. Given the current flow of IQ in the R bandstand, I would actually bet a dime on this.

  9. The extra $41.02 is WinRed’s fee on a $1000 donation. The donor is just kicking in the fee so the committee gets the full $1000. ActBlue does the same thing, but calls it a tip.

  10. Trump has no need for campaign contributions as long as there are dark money PACs.

  11. If it weren’t illegal (and since when has that stopped TFG) I’d say it looks like foreign exchange.

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Maybe someone here will figure out the code 1041.02 but I say it’s just a club of magats with money to waste.

  13. Jean Hess says:

    I wonder if that is a request by the website requesting that the donor pay the credit card fee. This happens to me when I donate online. Sometimes I agree to pay the fee, sometimes I don’t.

  14. slipstream says:

    Contributor #4 is a cheapskate and will be deported.

  15. Charlie in Ithaca says:

    Are they $1000 donations plus an extra 4.102% to cover the credit card fee? My ActBlue donations usually include the credit card surcharge.

  16. A wild guess here, but I wonder if that number has something to do with a foreign exchange rate. For example, could 10,000 rubles exchange to $1041.02 or something in that neighborhood combined with a processing fee? I have no doubt that Combover Crime Lord’s campaign is pulling in money from foreign donors.

  17. Half Empty says:

    JeanHess@10 I think you’re spot-on. Visa has a 0.014 processing charge for its transactions. Makes sense that TFG’s donation site would charge 0.0002 higher.
