Reason #8,251 Why I Hate Republicans

February 07, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Texas Democratic Party sent out Ballot By Mail applications to 15,000 Democrats in my county over the age of 65 or self-identified as disabled.

They arrived yesterday at my house and here’s what they look like.  Click the little ones to get the big ones.

photo 2

and here’s the other side

photo 1

As you can see, the word “Democrat” appears everywhere, large and proud.  By using this, you will get an application for the Democratic primary and the general election.

Now, in the same mail, came this sucker from a guy named Rick Forlano who is running for judge as a Republican in a crowded primary.  Poor guy has run for some damn thing every election since about 1986.  And he’s lost every election.  We think he’s just addicted to campaigning.

Check this out —


and the other side

photo 3

Yeah, not much mention of the fact that you’re requesting a Republican ballot in the primary.  So, why would this come to me and Bubba?  That’s what I was wondering until my phone started ringing.

People wanted to know which one was “real”.  It seems that at least 5 Triple D’s (that means they’ve voted in the last three Democratic primaries) got these and this morning I’ve heard from 3 more.

After I told them over the phone where to find the little bitty teeny weeny Republican on Forlano’s, they were mad as wet hens.  It appeared to be deceptive to them.  Older Democrats might get confused since this guy doesn’t seem very prideful about being a Republican.  Maybe he’s trying to be deceptive.

Maybe that’s the deal.  I dunno.  Why would a candidate waste money like that?  These suckers ain’t cheap.  They cost about $1. each.  At the very least I wouldn’t vote for a person who wastes money like that.

If you live around here, let me know if you get one.

I just hate these guys.  I don’t trust them.

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