Reason #692 Why Antonin Scalia Makes Dick Cheney Look Cuddly

April 30, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We know that a battle was won yesterday in the Supreme Court when at least the justices opposing marriage equality were forced to use language that wasn’t demeaning to gay people.

Well, except for Antonin Scalia.

All the talk acknowledging that gay people are … you know, people, was too much for a couple of crazy folks.  Scalia was one of them.

Jeffrey Toobin explains.

There was a shocking, ugly moment during the argument of Obergefell v. Hodges, the same-sex marriage case, in the Supreme Court on Tuesday. Right after Mary Bonauto, the lawyer challenging marriage bans in several states, completed her argument, a spectator rose from a back row and started screaming, “If you support gay marriage, you will burn in Hell!” As the man yelled, “It’s an abomination!,” guards carried him from the courtroom.

That wasn’t the ugly part, though. In the quiet moment after the man was removed, as his shouts vanished into the hallway, Justice Antonin Scalia filled the silence with a quip. “It was rather refreshing, actually,” he said.

He meant it.

Ronald Reagan did many awful and shameful things to this country, but Scalia remains his living legacy of slime.



Thanks to Craig for the heads up.


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