Reason #429 Why Rick Perry is NOT Running for President, No Matter What the Media Says

June 02, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Reason #429 – Rick Perry knows that someone somewhere in the media owns a pocket calculator.  I know he’s got a total lack of smart but he’s gotta know that someone somewhere is good at arithmetic.

Perry knows a little arithmetic himself.  You give your friends tax money, they return it in campaign contributions.  Magic money!

It’s called the Texas Emerging Technology Fund but it appears to have become a smoke filled backroom with the Governor and his friends being the only ones who emerge without smoke in their eyes.  Perry has total control over the fund, which my friends in Austin call Buddha Money.  “Rub Perry’s tummy and you get lucky,” they say.

The latest revelations include a long list of connections between the fund’s advisers and companies that have obtained tech fund awards. The Morning News investigation revealed that $27 million has been paid to ventures tied to former technology fund advisory committee members.

The Lege passed some oversight legislation and now everyone is waiting to see if Perry vetoes it  on his way to becoming the male Sarah Palin.

They say he’s mad enough to eat bees over this legislation, because he was planning on using this tax money to launch his nationwide campaign.  Now he’ll have to get the people who want to bury nuclear waste in Texas to give him money.

“Welcome to Perry World, where the screwing you got ain’t nothin’ compared to the screwing you’re fixing to get,” Juanita warns.

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