Really, Really Lucky Day

February 23, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Goat Rodeos

For those of you paying attention, Juanita would consider it a personal favor if Texas Governor Rick Perry and Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison got themselves into a run off race for Texas Governor.

“Aside from the pure entertainment value, there’s also the massive amounts of money that Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney would have to raise to prove who has a lock on the heart of the GOP,” Juanita explains.  “That alone would do more for the Texas economy than Rick and Kay combined have ever done.”

Well, it appears that Juanita’s dream run-off may come to be.

Public Policy Polling puts the race  like this —

Perry leads with 40% to 31% for Hutchison and 20% for Medina, suggesting that a runoff is likely unless the Governor picks off most of the remaining undecideds.

Honey, if you’re an undecided Republican Texas voter at this point, you need to check to check your transmission fluid because you ain’t shifting properly.


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