Really, Bobby? Really?

April 19, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Word has it that Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoed the state’s birther bill, but that Bobby Jindal of Louisiana is just itching to sign one.

“Well, that kinda snuck up on me,” Juanita admits.  “I never figured that someone from Louisiana would be concerned about birth certificates.  I’ve never known a Cajun  who will admit to being born.  They claim they just rise up out of the primordial swamp water and commence to playing the washboard in Rodney Thibodeaux’s Tout Les Soir Cajun Band.”

“My Uncle Noony ‘Three Toes’ Lebouef claims he was raised by alligators after  floating down the Mississippi from somewhere south of Memphis when he was a whole day old and practically grown.  He’s not exactly sure where south of Memphis because his passport wasn’t stamped properly.  But, he knows it had to be south of Memphis because he wouldn’t be caught dead north of Memphis.”

“If they start requiring birth certificates in Louisiana, nobody would be able to go to school or get a passport.  Right now, if you want a passport, you bring your big brother down to federal building and have him swear an oath that he saw you with both eyes walk out of the swamp, same as your daddy did,” she explains.

“Bobby Jindal does not need to be talking about people needing birth certificates.  There’s more Creole people in Louisiana than there are Bobby Jindals.”

“He also needs to get off his high horse.  He’s the Governor of Louisiana, which is just barely as important as being a notary public in Oklahoma,” she grins.

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