Reality Check

November 01, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized




The “caravan.”



Hey, did George Soros send jets for the caravan?


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0 Comments to “Reality Check”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Could Donnie be any dumber if he had been home schooled by Betsy DeVile?

  2. Charles R Phillips says:

    Our tax dollars at work. Not Donnie’s tax dollars, he didn’t pay any, but ours.

  3. Our tax system is sacred, and should be followed legally.

    Our voting system is sacred, and should be adhered to legally, without foreign interference.

    Your supporters, the Evangelical Christians believe Commandments such as “Thou shalt not bear false witness” are sacred, and should be obeyed, whether or not it’s against state or federal laws to lie. Hourly.

  4. It’s only 2400 miles from the border, and even Google could not plot me a pedestrian route. So there will be anything from 800 to 15,000 troops (depending on his latest proclamations) twiddling their thumbs at the border. We all know who is going to pay for this.

  5. fierywoman says:

    Yeah, women with babies and their men who only want what’s good for their families would be a threat to spanky mushroom.

  6. Thanks for the above depiction of troop and migrant locations. It pleased me to copy it and put it on Trump’s twitter feed. Ah, the small joys.

  7. Sharon Greiff says:

    a jet, oh no. I’m sure Soros arranged for some train tickets – because everyone knows us Jews really like box car transportation and being greeted by armed men in uniform and immediately escorted to “camps”.

    Sweet mother of pearl – why all the silence from Jared and Ivanka’s temple elders and rabbis? I don’t know about the rest of the tribe but I’m getting realy scared of this development!

  8. Buttermilk Sky says:

    May I give Sharon Greiff a thumbs-up and a digital hug?

  9. Linda Phipps says:

    And it’s getting worse, Trump will not allow asylum seekers.

    Anytime he will order shooting at sight.

  10. Be very afraid! They’re coming to mow our lawns, take care of your children, and pick your veggies and fruits!

  11. two crows says:

    The whole point, though, is not, “The immigrants are coming! Oh noes!”
    It’s this:
    Here’s where we are: November 2, 2018.
    Here’s the BIG BOGEYMAN that’s coming: November 6, 2018.

    Trump is afraid! Very afraid! It’s time to gin up a bunch of nonsense about furners so his base will get out and vote!

    Obviously, his base is beginning to fray around the edges and aren’t all that convinced that this election really IS all about Trump – like he says it is. Because they’ve heard it before; he says EVERYTHING is all about Trump and even his base is getting tired.

  12. two crows says:

    P.S. I forgot to mention the most important thing of all:

    Guess how much keeping all those troops at the border will cost? I don’t know the answer, but I do know it’s a whale of a lot.
    Guess who controls the government’s money and how it’s spent? That I DO have an answer to: The House of Representatives.
    And guess who’s coming for the House? The Democrats. We need 23-25 seats — and more than 50 stand a fairly good chance of shifting to us.
    So, how long will those troops STAY on the border? That depends entirely on us.

    OK, I know I’m preaching to the choir here but still — VOTE!

  13. two crows says:

    Oh and PPS:
    How long will Trump’s camps and cages stay open and running? Again — the House of Representatives will determine that as well.

    OK, I think I’m done now.
    Please forgive my muddled thinking.
    1] I’m 70 years old
    2] My doc recently put me on a drug that has me all befuddled.
    I already wrecked my car and, as I’ve just demonstrated, I can’t hold 2 thoughts in my head at the same time.

  14. two crows –
    Wrecked your car?!
    I hope you’re okay! Have you told your doc? Maybe the medication or dosage could be adjusted.

    Stay safe – we need you!

  15. two crows says:

    Thanks for your concern, Lunargent. I’m fine. The only casualties were my front wheel and axle.

    “Wrecked my car,” may have been a bit strong but it IS gonna cost me over $2000. What I DID, actually, was run into the curb going about 40.

    Damn side effects. And it hasn’t even helped with the pain all that much.
    Yeah, I came right home and called my doc. I’m OFF that drug and its replacement hasn’t arrived yet. Because of course it hasn’t. **sigh**

  16. @two crows. Your drugs will be awhile as they are in the caravan of dangerous drug dealing thugs.

  17. Myrna —
    Oh. So that explains it! I KNEW it had to be something involving those dang furners!

    Oh, one more thing I forgot to mention [again]: my pride. I’ve got a pretty solid dent in that, as well.

  18. Two Crows: Switch to CBD. Ask your doctor. They’re fun to watch. Available by mail from LA.

  19. two crows says:

    First off: My apologies. I absolutely DID NOT mean to switch the thread away from Demented Donnie’s heinousness.
    That’ll larn me to air my dirty laundry online. I just wanted to explain my own demented behavior in comments 11 – 13.

    And secondly: @ Ormond: I had thought about it but, here in Florida, the original license cost’s $135 and each year thereafter, $72. And I’m a girl on a fixed-income budget. Somehow, I doubt Medicare [assuming I’ve still got it next year — VOTE PEOPLE!] would cover the licenses, let alone the drug.

    If this next drug gives me the same horrific consequences, I might have to go that route — but I don’t even know if it would help muscle spasms. I guess some research is in order.
