Real Men Wear Diapers

May 06, 2024 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

A commenter to a previous piece on my Facebook page made an observation. I write way too much about the ex-president. That’s a fair criticism. I’ll gladly take that on, acknowledge it, and own it. I do write too much about that man and wish I didn’t have to at all. As much as he might be a subject of this piece, he is not the subject of this piece. This piece is not so much about him, but about you.

Of course, the you in this case is what I lovingly call the pejorative you. That means it’s not about everyone, but just those that still choose to follow him. It has gone well beyond ideology at this point. It has moved beyond ideology and into idolatry. They say the self-own is the cruelest own of all.

Millions of people wear adult diapers. I don’t wear them myself, but I have had occasional bouts with digestive issues. Various medications have had any number of side effects and those were some of the more serious ones. Some people have other health problems that require their use. So, I am not going to judge anyone that has a medical need to wear them.

So, I try really hard not to poke fun. The key point here is that every time someone points out a flaw or human weakness in the dear leader they adopt that as a sign of strength. Trump passes gas and some have suggested (people are saying) that he stinks because he has likely soiled himself. Instead of admitting that maybe he is not the best person for the job we just kind of assimilate this knowledge into our new schema. To translate that into plain English we can simply say “real men wear diapers.”

Thus the continuing spiraling nature of our politics and our culture proceeds without abatement. Therefore if you have control of your bodily functions, have basic knowledge of science, history, and current events then you aren’t really a man. If you have basic empathy for others and compassion for people that might be struggling then you aren’t a real man.


Let me be very frank. Normal people don’t do this. You will not see liberals. progressives, and leftists doing this. We don’t have bumper stickers on our cars. We don’t have signs for the yard. We don’t own any tee-shirts, hats, or flags that we fly from the home or on the back of our pickup truck. We actually don’t have a pickup truck, but that’s not the point.

People in cults do this. So, this isn’t about him. It’s about you. It’s about your desperate need to support everything and anything that comes out of his mouth (or any other portion of his body). I am trying as hard as I can to be respectful here. This is not a good look for you. You aren’t owning the libs. You are owning yourself. The self-own is the cruelest own of all.

0 Comments to “Real Men Wear Diapers”

  1. dbtexas says:

    Hello Nick. You’ve touched on a pet peeve of mine today. As a member with true elderly status along with all the issues and discomforts that accompany that title, I find myself having to resort to methods most considered distasteful. No diapers yet, but close. The disparaging comments towards elderly folks, regardless of party affiliation, simply displays a total disregard for self awareness. Do these hucksters really believe they will never enter “old people” status? There are plenty of ways to disagree with someone without talking about diapers, farting, a stumbling gait, etc. Just stick to facts, policies and beliefs. I realize your essay today was more than this, but… enough already. Thanks for the forum. Always enjoy your writing!

  2. Nick Carraway says:

    As someone that has occasionally had those issues I am very sympathetic. I apologize if it seems that I was making light of that issues for millions of Americans or even for that person specifically. It isn’t really about that but about the desire of people to coopt every single foible as a strength. They might as well say “real men are sociopaths” or “real men don’t know facts.”

  3. Dbtexas says:

    Nick, I never intended my screed to be directed towards you. In my opinion, you simply pointed out this issue and it hit a nerve. You are one of the most measured commentators around. Sorry if my intent was misunderstood. My bad!

  4. Harry Eagar says:

    One of my neighbors has a Black Lives Matter-style sign in his yard.

    And I have a pickup truck with a bumper sticker. It reads: ACLU.

    That is, if not abnormal, uncommon in my all-red county.

  5. I truly hope as a country, no journalist ever has to type the letters D-O-N-A-L-D-T-R-U-M-P ever again!!!!! I hope I can live long enough to reach that day. Unfortunately I’ll be celebrating my 80th birthday this year, so that day cannot be too far in the future.

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I admit I have made jest of Trump because of the rumors of his passing gas and recently soiling his undies in court and elsewhere. His ridicule of others including me as a Democrat is my excuse to get back at him, but not at the expense of those that have issues that force them to need adult diapers or pass gas (we’ve all had to). I’m sorry for that.
    My feeling is any stinkiness he emits is due to his being rotten to his core.

  7. Now you have me worried Nick.
    About the ways in which Trump could monetize and hawk adult diapers.

  8. Rick. I can already see it. If he can cash value the Bible that he doesn’t “ T- rump MAGA depends for real Americans.” His image and likeness on the back. For only $20 more, on the front.

  9. slipstream says:

    Trump wears diapers, so his rabid followers wear diapers.

    Trump goes to jail . . . will his rabid followers go to jail?

  10. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Here are a few more of the Trumpf cultists in case you’re a quart low.

  11. Opinionated Hussy says:

    I’m struggling to comprehend the mindset that lies behind the photo. I thought the “Better Red than Dem” T-shirts were bizarre a few years ago (particularly given the rabid anti-communism mindset of the GOP during my childhood); but this is beyond…well, just beyond. I’m completely bumfuzzled.

  12. The Surly Professor says:

    Opinionated Hussy, I agree that this whole thing is beyond bizarre. At first I figured it was some left-wing jokers having fun with Photoshop. But the local experts in photo manipulation said that there’s no sign of it having been cooked, and I found that the RMWD flags are available at Amazon. [But now I can’t seem to find it again to post here]

    The best that I can come up with is that T’s gang knows he Depends on diapers, and with his required presence all day in court, everyone else is going to catch on that he wears them. So they’re trying to get ahead of any criticism.

    For Dems, if Biden had to wear diapers it would be no big deal, and would not lessen our opinion of him. But for Republicans, Trump must be the god-emperor, the epitome of handsomeness, intelligence, physical strength, etc. If they find that he must use diapers, it could lead to cognitive dissonance, unless they are first mentally prepared to instead cast it as a strength.

    By the way: the famous 2016 shot of his brown-streaked white pants on the golf course is a Photoshop.

  13. Pretzelogic in Philly, PA says:

    Real men (and women) may wear diapers, but only the profoundly stupid wear them OVER their pants (and/or support Trumpskovich).
