Rarely Appearing Wednesday Toon

April 02, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Just let the Republicans try to take it away now.

Thanks to everybody who sent me this for the heads up!

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0 Comments to “Rarely Appearing Wednesday Toon”

  1. maryelle says:

    I guess we showed ’em how extremely unpopular affordable care is. Better pass the ketchup to help the Repugs swallow that crow.

  2. Ummm… Wish I could agree with you that the Republicans will cease and desist in their attempts to ‘take it away”.

    The right has been screwing with Medicare and Medicaid since their inception. This will be just another on their ‘targets of opportunity”.

    I am in a grumpy mood today after reading about the Supremes.

  3. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    They will redouble their efforts to cut the budget and claim that there isn’t any way we can afford this unnecessary expense. All the while ignoring the fact that unemployment is a far bigger problem than any budget deficit.

  4. Marge Wood says:

    Mel, grumpy about the Supremes too. Sigh. And they’re in for life. Idn’t there any way to change that law?

  5. Looks like a Constitutional amendment will be needed. What will it take to get the libs, moderates, fired up esp. to deal with all that far-right money? Seems like a lot of upcoming pain and suffering beforehand.
    Also, at same time consider some form of term limit for all lifetime appointments taking into account age and mental competency. Likely best to have input on those parameters by the respected members of the legal profession with input from the rest of the citizens.
    As for the argument regarding experience, isn’t it de Gaulle who said that the cemeteries are full of indispensable men?

  6. Hippie in the Holler says:

    Just read the SCOTUS decision. Ain’t gonna say a damn thing, they can put you in jail for what I think should be done.

    Incredibly PO Hippie.

  7. How to retire a Supreme: years ago a Supreme retired when his son was appointed to a very high position in govmint which would have formed a conflict of interest for the Supreme. Antonin Scalia has a lawyer type son in guvmint (or at least that was where the boy started). If son were to appear before the Supremes to argue a case, it would go badly for Scalia and he would have to step down. He can’t recuse himself cuz the Founders actually believed an odd number like 9 was necessary to break a tie. Also, a Supreme would likely retire if an adult child of his were to be found breaking the law which would mean a trial by jury. The Supreme would have to be nowhere in sight so that any verdict the jury reached could not be subject to question on the basis of the defendant’s father (especially a Not Guilty verdict for some heinous crime).

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Yeah Maggie! I hereby appoint you to be in charge of investigative reporting on the offspring of SC judges.

  9. Charlie says:

    What I’ll be interested in is how many hospitals here in tx will have to close before gov numbnuts takes the medicaid expansion. Now that the ACA is here, hospitals are no longer reimbursed at past levels for uninsured care. The other folks falling through the cracks are the disabled. If you have a disability and don’t make the minimum to sign up through the marketplace are told that they qualify for medicaid but…..they want get anything. What a disgrace for this Texan who was taught to extend dignity and be empathetic.

  10. Charlie says:

    Question…..when Wendy wins can she reverse the decision and if she can, why isn’t this issue at the top of her agenda?

  11. Zyxomma says:

    The SCOTUS lost my respect when they installed Shrub in the WH. There are a few justices whom I like and admire, but the rest of them chill my bone marrow. The Roberts court is a travesty.

    We can’t outgun them with money, so we have to VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!
