Randy Weber: Moose or Squirrel?
Well, come to find out, Texas congressvarmint Randy Weber met with Maria Butana’s partner in espionage, Alexander Torshin, in April 0f 2015 while Torshin was Russian Central Bank deputy governor. Torshin and Vladimir Putin are closer than skin on a sausage.
Torshin and Butana were Boris and Natasha.
Randy Weber, a Republican U.S. congressman from Texas, also met with Torshin during the April trip, according to the think tank’s documents. A spokeswoman for Weber did not respond to multiple calls or emails seeking comment.
So, was Weber the Moose or the Squirrel? He ain’t sayin’.
Weber has an A rating with the NRA, just in case you were wondering. He’s also kind of an idiot.
In January 2014, during President Obama’s State of the Union address, Weber in a tweet referred to the President as “Kommandant-In-Chef” [sic] and “the Socialist dictator.”
Hey, I’m also boss of the kitchen, just in case you were wondering.
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.