Rand Paul and I Told You So

May 20, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


“I told you so, I did,” Juanita grins.  “Rand Paul is more fun than recess in heaven.”

“He made a complete fool of himself on Rachel Maddow’s show last night.  Rachel just let him ramble on and on and the more he talked, the more you expected him to start drooling  just any minute,” she reports.

“Now, I know that Rachel Maddow is tough.  She is so tough that when carpenters buy a box of nails, they say ‘hand me some those Rachels.’  But she’s also much kinder than I am.  She does sometimes suffer fools gladly.”

“Last night, Rand Paul tried to argue that he wouldn’t have supported all the Civil Rights Act because government shouldn’t nosey around in private enterprise.  And that, my friend, is why you can never let ideologues govern.”

“I wonder if he thinks that private restaurants should have to follow health and safety standards or child labor laws?  Seems like the same deal to me.”

You know how many Libertarians it takes to change a lightbulb?

None.  The darkness will cause the lightbulb to change itself.

“And maybe that’s why the Looneytarians are all in the dark,” Juanita suspects.

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