Putting Ted Back In Christmas

November 27, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just a friendly reminder on Cyber Monday that Texas Senator Ted Cruz has been known to sell a Christmas sweater with his face and two other snakes on it.


Nope, I’m not kidding.

So keep your eyes open and grab one of those suckers for the bargain price of way too much money.

Thanks to AlanInAustin for the reminder.

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0 Comments to “Putting Ted Back In Christmas”

  1. This sweater is the kind of thing that spawned denial of service attacks. It isn’t good enough to buy these things up and burn them, because Canadian Cuban Ted would still see financial benefit. What you want to do is soil them all beyond sale while Canadian Cuban Ted owns them so he can’t sell them (and therefore derive the financial benefit) and he has to pay for them in advance of sale. A head scratching kinetic problem if I have ever seen one.

  2. Micr, forgive me for a lapse into early morning obtuse. Are you saying that a mugshot of Teddie Crooze isn’t sufficient to soil a sweater beyond its shelf life? Lindsey Graham was so right, until he apologized.

  3. If you have the nerve to wear it out in public, people will throw Huckabee pies in your face.

  4. Wait until it’s in the remainder bins, then buy one (for maybe a buck), and use it for target practice.

  5. AK Lynne, I’d be afraid wearing that sweater would land more than a few proxy punches to the wearer’s nose. Probably a few punches to the gohmerts, too.

  6. Made in America? Guam or the Marianas but I doubt The United States of America. Coming soon toilet paper overprinted with a portrait of Ted Ooze or the premium product of Der Donald both suitable for placing in your throne. Not sure how this make America great again, but I can see no harm.

  7. I like that the snakes are facing Ted.
    They know trouble when they see it.

  8. Gives new meaning to the phrase “ugly Christmas sweater.”

  9. I don’t even want him on my toilet paper.

  10. Wow! That is an anti-Christmas Christmas sweater, but hey – look who inspired it!

  11. @Jane & PKM

    Of course you make a point. I guess I overlooked how a scary Canadian Cuban Ted image would spoil the ugly sweater for so many of the rest of us.

  12. “two other snakes on it.”

    Perfect. Made my day. Gracias.

  13. Wow – that’s the REAL War on Christmas!

    So, if I’m reading the sweater iconography correctly, Ted is in a Den of Vipers, which represents the US Senate, or maybe the GOP. And he’s protected from all the Snowflakes, surrounded as he is by the Fires of Hell.

    I refuse to believe that any graphic artist conceived this abomination. Either Teddy sketched out the idea himself on a napkin, or some deranged fan, with way more money than sense or taste, found a sweater producer who really needed the money.

    In any case: OY VEY!!
