Putin Is Getting on My Nerves
I have to admit that I am not a big winter Olympics fan. I live on the Gulf Coast where the sun let’s her rip. Mostly, I have to put on a parka just to watch the winter Olympics. I don’t like heights and I don’t like cold so the only kind of skiing I do is on water while gulping gas fumes from the powerboat ahead of you.
Generally, I will bundle up a watch a few winter Olympic events. I’m not so sure about this year, though.
Russian President Vladimir Putin says gays should feel welcome at the upcoming Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, but they must “leave the children in peace.”
Putin told volunteers Friday that gays visiting Sochi “can feel calm and at ease,” and vowed that there would be no discrimination at the games. But he emphasized that, according to a law banning homosexual “propaganda” among minors, gays cannot express their views on gay rights issues to anyone underage.
“Leave the children in peace?” Oh, for cryin’ out loud. That just burns my biscuits.
Here’s some guy who takes off his shirt more often than a Chippendale dancer telling people that gays are sexual predators and prey on children.
Thanks to John for the graphic.