Put Down That Book And No One Gets Hurt

September 12, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Killeen, Texas, is in central Texas and, according to the last census, is home to about 126,000 souls and some terribly confused city council folks.

13775564_509636399237733_8878185531813792667_nIt’s city budget time in Killeen, a time of rejoicing and the cutting of the taxes.  Trump supporter and loud Republican councilman Dick Young, is claiming that cutting one third of the city library’s budget ain’t no big thing.

“I don’t think the level of service is going to dramatically change,” Young said, if funding cuts are made.

He also contends that there’s no plans to close down the town’s only branch library.  See, that would give me comfort except for the fact that here it is right here on the city council memorandum.


I know I’m taking a big leap of faith here to suspect that city council members in Killeen can read, but maybe they could get somebody at the library to read the memorandum to them before they start holding press conferences.

Honey, it ain’t like Killeen has several branch libraries.  They do not.  They have one.  They’re gonna try to close it.

Now I am not saying that Republicans are a bunch of book burners, but they are a bunch of library closers.

Look, I don’t want to be mean, but Killeen needs all the damn libraries it can get.

A group of citizens have started to raise a stink.  Good on ‘um.  There are some fabulous folks in Killeen.  Some of them are willing to pay a users fee to keep the library. Those folks deserve a city council that reads more, not less.

Thanks to Joe for the heads up.

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