Punking both Texas Senators at One Time
Surer than moonlight, Ted Cruz made a joke of himself in the senate yesterday. For all the bluster he could muster to face down President Obama over immigration, he ended up helping the president get some nominees approved.
By carving out more legislative time, Mr. Cruz inadvertently enabled the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, to advance two dozen nominations, including several contentious ones that would otherwise have faced a more difficult confirmation process.
Susan Collins of Maine ashamed Cruz over that maneuver, saying of Cruz, “I don’t understand the approach that he is taking.” Uh, Honey, it’s the Impotence on Display approach, made famous by his paisley housecoat at Princeton.
But the line of the day goes to Cory Booker.
As Senator John Cornyn of Texas, the No. 2 Senate Republican, struggled to explain to a group of reporters just what Mr. Cruz had hoped to achieve, Senator Cory Booker, Democrat of New Jersey, loped by and clapped him on the shoulder.
“Let me know if you need backup,” Mr. Booker said with a grin.
Yeah, his fellow Republicans are growing weary of him. I passed that milepost about four years ago.
Thanks to David A. for the heads up.