Pulling the Trigger Without Taking Aim

July 21, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


“Now I understand where we got the name ‘knee-jerk liberals,'” Juanita laments as she combs out Missy Sue’s new perm this morning.

A black former Agriculture Department official who resigned under pressure after a video clip surfaced of her discussing a white farmer said Wednesday the agency’s decision to review her case is “bittersweet,” but said she isn’t sure she would accept her job back if it is offered.

“You’ve got the NAACP saying it was ‘snookered’ by Fox News.  Well, somebody alert the media!  (Is there a font for sarcasm?)  Honey, Fox News is the business model for snookering.  If there was a Nobel Prize for Snookering, Fox News would have had their number retired years ago,” Juanita told everybody.

“Shirley Sherrod deserved a medal for what she’s been through.  We here at The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. want to offer her a free wash and set any time she’s in town!”

“And, dammit, we liberals need to quit jerking our knees when Fox News jerks our chains.”

Juanita is serious about that.

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