Psssst … Over Here … Ben Carson is Stinkin’ Goofy. Pass It On.

November 05, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Ben Carson is making my education hurt.  No, seriously, there’s a giant pain in my book learnin’ every time I hear him speak.

So, mix in with his theories that Holocaust was caused by gun control, that Charles Darwin was controlled by the Devil Hisownself, and that prison can make people gay, it turns out that he believes the pyramids were built by Joseph to store grain.

And that the moon is really green cheese.

Thanks to Larry for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Psssst … Over Here … Ben Carson is Stinkin’ Goofy. Pass It On.”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Say what we will about Mental Ben, he does have the angle of grifter hypnosis. His following of rubes are too hypnotized to hear the crazy his mouth emits. But he sure does have them hopping on his post hypnotic suggestion to send him money.

  2. daChipster says:

    I understand that people who cannot make sense of things need others to make sense of it for them. It is part of the authoritarian mindset. For a lot of folks, the sense-making part of their lives is religion. For people who really need a firm hand to guide them through life, that religion includes an inerrant Bible. Apparently, Ben Carson is one of those. However, the gift of intelligence that he has spent the better part of his life throwing away with both hands has caused Carson to try to bend as many facts as possible into a narrative framework which just doesn’t support it. That’s why we get Joseph and his parti-colored dress (Joseph was actually an early transvestite) and the great grain bins of Giza!

    There is no historical evidence of either Joseph OR the later Exodus of 1-2 million Semitic slaves from Egypt, ever. But let’s play in Dr. Carson’s funhouse:

    Fun historical fact: Great Pyramid of Egypt begun ca 2600 BCE, last pyramid built there CA 2100 BCE

    Fun Biblical fact: biblical “scholars” place “Joseph” in history no earlier than 2000 BCE, and closer to the Hyksos era, aka the Second Intermediate Period, ca 1800-1600 BCE, roughly.

    Fun math fact: the great Pyramid existed approximately 800 – 1000 years before “Joseph” “built” it for “grain.”

    Fun psychological fact: Ben: son, you crazy even for a Teavangelical!

  3. Here’s a man who knows how to sell books. Suckers give him money, tons of free publicity, a giant list of people who believe he knows what he’s talking about.

    It’s almost like he’s thinking ‘Wow, they actually fell for that crap! Let’s see if they fall for this one. Hey, they did!’

  4. Best endorsement for why to vote that I could think of.

  5. Chloe Bear says:

    Next on the agenda: Dr. Carson gives tips on how to survive in the stomach of a whale.

  6. Been seeing a lot of comments recently that he’s not really running for Prez. He’s just using politics to boost his books and scam businesses. Note his chief ‘aide’ is called Business Manager instead of Campaign Manager. Think the Establishment is just hoping he’ll take down Trump, then they’ll hand the nomination to their choice.

  7. publius balonius says:


  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Chloe Bear, Mental Ben could find himself literally in the stomach of a whale, the Outlaw Jersey Whale. If anyone on stage snaps at the antics of Mental Ben, my bet is on Chris Christie.

  9. Charles D. says:

    My layman’s analysis is that we are seeing increasing mental illness in what at one time might have been a great mind.

  10. I know there is no reason to try to debunk his crazy theory, but this comes to my mind.
    The pyramids took decades to build. Egypt was/still is a very hot, dry country. Ideal for storing almost anything. Even human bodies. Why would they need gigantic buildings that cost tons of money and took enormous amounts of manpower to store what they could put in the shed out back?
    This man can’t be for real. That some think he is makes my head hurt.

  11. Marcia in CO says:

    I’m beginning to think that in Ben’s world, the moon is always full!! It just draws the crazy out into full view!!

  12. JAKvirginia says:

    JanK: Yes. And let’s not forget that drought is not a problem in Egypt. They have this big ole thing called the Nile River which would flood every year. After the inundation they would plant and draw river water as needed to irrigate. Maybe we should donate some old National Geographics to his campaign. He might find them useful.

  13. Steve Jobs had the “reality distortion field” thing going on to perfection. Mental Ben, not so much.

  14. WA Skeptic says:

    I don’t know about you, but if I was Pharaoh, I wouldn’t build a solid rock building with about 60 cubic yds of storage for a granary. And I REALLY wouldn’t put a solid granodiorite coffin right in the middle of the largest room, which is encased in thousands of tons of huge rock blocks.

    Ben, Ben, Ben….

  15. Yes, he comes from the fraternity that totally believes rain makes applesauce and ergo they fail their own competency exam.

    JAK, there were a few times when the Nile got cranky and did not do its thing. Geologists and archeologists have found evidence of that, plus the fact that there were times during those droughts when the Egyptians practiced cannibalism. Apparently that is in the “writing” on some of their walls.

  16. That one of the leading GOP candidates for president of the United States is this fool who just pulls nonsense out of his butt and waves it around shouldn’t surprise me, I suppose, but it does depress me further at the stupidity of the American people and the state of American education.

    And Paul Ryan says any one of the GOP candidates would be a better President than Hillary Clinton.

    Seriously? *Any* one?

  17. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, Mental Ben has been so active sending out post hypnotic suggestions to his rubes that he has fallen into a trance. He has surpassed $arah in the word salad category and now speaks in tongues delivering gems that float upward from his posterior and flow out of his mouth.

    Juanita Jean has it covered: “Psssst … Over Here … Ben Carson is Stinkin’ Goofy. Pass It On.” I would only add, “snap your fingers 3 times” to help his supporters.

  18. JAKvirginia says:

    Maggie: Thanks for the info. So… OMG! They ate the Pharaoh!? Ewwwww…..

  19. bud malone says:

    Carson proves that he can say the most outrageous comments and as long as he throws in several God God God the believers will blindly walk forward.

  20. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Dr. Carson also claims he was a gangsta type in high school but none of the people who remember him can confirm the yarn. The best anyone can get is that he was a nerdy type with thick glasses and a pocket protector filled with pens and pencils. Maybe he had an X-Acto knife in there that he used to cut people up — in his dreams.

  21. Rhea has him down pat:
    “He pulls nonsense out of his butt.” That statement is pithy and to the point. Could also be used to describe any and all Repugs.

  22. That Other Jean says:

    Merciful heavens! Either Ben Carson’s education was an inch wide and a mile deep (he was a superb neurosurgeon, really!), or he is now suffering mental difficulties, or he’s pandering to his audience in some sort of weird performance art. I’m going with mental difficulties.

  23. Another point: the Egyptians did not need huge stone impervious structures to store grain, presumably to keep out mice and rats. They had cats, remember?

    And I don’t remember seeing anything like those things in the midwest, where silos and grain elevators seem to be adequate.

    Why am I trying to make sense when arguing with a clown who gets his info from flying monkeys…..

  24. Attention, Ben Carson: the God of the Bible is laughing at you. There is nothing at all about pyramids in the Bible. But the Jews built treasure cities for Pharoah, and it’s plainly said in Exodus 1:11. Carson needs help with reading comprehension.

  25. two crows says:

    You know, I’ve come to the conclusion that brain surgery can’t be all that hard. Because Ben Carson.

    Here’s this guy who is a surgeon. He’s not a historian. He’s not an archaeologist. But he sure thinks he can go them one better – without a single iota of training in either of those fields.

    OK. So I’m a psychologist. I’m certain Ben would be happy to go under the knife with me wielding it. After all, I’ve went me to college. I got me an edjimacation and everything. And I’ve had every bit as much learnin’ in brain surgery as he’s had in archaeology.

    Get on that gurney, Benny. Your brain certainly needs a serious makeover and I’m just the gal to do it.

  26. I vote for the onset of dementia. How many concussions has he had? Or was he just dropped on his head Real Hard?

  27. He’s been de-programmed by the 7th Day Adventists… nothing left of his conscious mind.
