Psssssstttt, Heads Up, It’s Just Talk

October 30, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know how Rick Perry believes in state’s rights and how each state should be allowed to make their own rules?

Well, that’s true until it’s rules that Perry doesn’t like.  He was in New Hampshire this week spouting off about his two favorite subjects – gay marriage and abortion.  Now, it seems to me that the more gay marriages you allow, the fewer abortions you get, so Perry ought to love that New Hampshire legalized gay marriage in 2009.  But, noooo …..

And it also seems to me that Planned Parenthood, where they distribute birth control, also would be high on Perry’s list.  But, noooo …..

“Unfortunately this current administration has since provided one million dollars in federal grant money to Planned Parenthood in direct conflict with this state’s policies. And the bottom-line is this: If you want to stop Washington’s many violations of the 10th Amendment … then we must make President Obama a one-term president,” Perry said.

So, Perry will not rest until New Hampshire becomes just like Texas.

NOTE TO NEW HAMPSHIRE:  Dumb down your schools, increase your teen pregnancy rate, make sure half your population has no health insurance, and have the second highest high school drop out rate in the nation.  Rick Perry is coming and I know you want to make him feel at home!

Thanks to Sharon for the heads-up.

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