PSA: Heads up!

March 11, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

No attacksEven though I’ve been Deputy Director of Homeland Security here at the World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon for some time, now, it took awhile for Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself to get tired of lending me her key, and give me my own. This only after I convinced her that if my cousin, Jesus Hachecristo, really wanted to throw an after hours party in here, the want of a key wouldn’t stop him. This dazzling logic seemed to work, although I think it helped that she was medicated and half-blind at the time.

The upshot of all this is that I now have a byline (heads up, it’s just under the headline). So if a story moves you, and you’re wondering whose name to curse (mine) or to remember (hers) in your prayers tonight, and you’re thinking of getting a running start in the comment section, check the byline!

And remember: the thoughts expressed by Primo Encarnación, Jesus Hachecristo and/or daChipster represent their personal opinions, and may or may not be reflective of the thoughts and opinions of the Management of this Fine Establishment.

Or even each other!

Be social and share!

0 Comments to “PSA: Heads up!”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    But… Primo/Jesus/daChipster… can you do hair?

  2. Hallelujah, amen and pass the Tabasco!

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Write away, gentlemen! (anything to send that picture of Loathsome Crooze to page “2”)

  4. Marcia in CO says:

    OMG … it’s the Holy Trinity in the Saloon … ooops … the Salon!!

  5. Now comes the Revolution!

  6. Marge Wood says:

    Movin’ up in the world! Congratulations! and JAK, he doesn’t do hair. He’s SECURITY! the one with the shiny badge and a big belt buckle, settin’ at the back chewing on a toothpick and scanning SEVENTEEN magazine!

  7. This is a little off-topic, but it is a public service announcement that I think needs to be widely publicized. It could help a lot of women. I googled the name and it appears to be legit.

    I hope this is helpful.

  8. maryelle says:

    Welcome to the triumvirate. You are all writers with talent and wit.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    The way you started out,I thought you was gonna hit us up for a raise. 🙂

  10. Cheryl Ann says:

    Juanita Jean is a fine judge of character! Welcome all three of you!

  11. Congrats, honey, and give yourself a raise!

  12. BarbinDC, I was going to say that!

    Cheryl Ann, everyone here is a character.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    S’posin we should want to send you a ebook or greeting card or something. You got an email we can use?

  14. Marge Wood says:

    Ah! I guess y’all and Miss Juanita Jean share the same maili box. Hope it’s a big one.

  15. JAKvirginia says:

    Well P/J/d, from what I see on the teevee and the web from Chicago tonight, I suggest you put seatbelts on the chairs under the hairdryers. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride. Welcome. Write on!

  16. daChipster says:

    Well, between this, the day job, and the other writing I do in what I laughably call my “spare time,” I’m not really looking to add another level of chaos to my life, Marge, by having to deal with more e-mail. Nothing personal, but I’m barely keeping up with the professional and personal correspondence I have now. I appreciate you wanting to reach out – I’d love to be able to have more time to share with you all! – but until my Powerball hits, let’s just chat here in the salon, and read each other articles from dog-eared issues of SEVENTEEN. This one has a quiz – “How to Tell If You’re Over-sharing” – and an article on the best way to polish a pair of big, brass beltbuckles.

  17. @daChipster

    re: polishing a pair of big, brass belt buckles.

    Brasso, 1 each non-combat issue.

  18. JJ,

    I watchthe bylines and enjoy the other ‘stylists’….

    daChipster, I see what you do on other sites and you are just as clever here!

    Love all of the Beauty Salon.

    Who is going to be the scapegoat and infiltrate one of the Fascist events?

  19. Fascist events? Simplest explanation: A Trump primary stop replete with the candidate ranting and hating on whoever and whatever his fevered brain turns up. Did something rare this AM. Watched CNN. They are cracking down on the tRump. When one of tRump’s foot soldiers tried to defend him by dumping on the protesters, the host simply hit a button and voila! out comes one of tRumps diatribes on physical violence. Pan to defender. Full face pratfall in paralytic silence while host runs over him with a rebuttal. Also, on tv this AM, members of the group that was herded out of a previous tRump event even before the ranting began. Turns out there were a number of reasons given by the campaign but according to the group members, none of them were true. Especially the trespass charge. They all had stubs from tickets each had purchased. And tRump will never admit that it sure looked like what happened in Europe all those years ago. Tsk. Note to tRump and his foot soldiers: real leaders who are strong would never behave like this.

  20. e platypus onion says:

    Writing about Trump is not a big problem Just start out saying he was sodomized by the MSM because everyone is afraid of his yooge pecker.The rest falls into neatly formed paragraphs that no one will read. Mission accomplished.

  21. Anybody feel that the clown car has been taken over by these kind of clowns?

  22. Glad to see the byline.
