Promises Made…

November 12, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Tom Homan is in the cat bird’s seat today. Bronzer Boy’s former ICE Administrator has been given carte blanche as the new Border Czar (aka “Deportation Czar”) which confirms, in my mind anyway, that the Project 2025 chapter on immigrant deportations is well on its way to becoming reality.

Homan: Bring me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses. NOT!

While not an author, Homan is credited on page xxviii of the nefarious plan to reinvent America into a Trumpian Paradise as a “contributor.” And his appointment to head up Don the Con’s Department of Mass Deportations is our very first indication that Project 2025’s blueprints for a fascist state is very much on The Orange One’s agenda.

Homan has a plan, and it is outlined on pages 133 through 153 on the 922-page document that is intended to replace the US Constitution.

Among other things, it proposes the use of so-called “Blackies Warrants” to raid workplaces where they suspect they might find undocumented immigrants trying to earn money. Blackies Warrants are named for Blackies House of Beef that was raided by La Migra in 1978. The warrant has already been challenged under the 4th Amendment but has gotten a mixed result – one win, one loss.

But probably the most heinous words out of Homan’s mouth came in an interview by 60 Minutes journalist Cecilia Vega last month. Answering Vega’s question, “Is there a way to carry out mass deportation without separating families?” he responded.”Of course there is. Families can be deported together.”

Imagine that. A child, a natural born American citizen, will have the opportunity to be deported along with their undocumented parents. That’s one way to solve the immigration problem that doesn’t break up families. 

Still waiting for the 1-800 number we can call anonymously to denounce our neighbors, co-workers, and competitors. Coming soon to an SS headquarters near you.

Promises kept.

0 Comments to “Promises Made…”

  1. Sieg Heil!
    Heil, mein Führer!
    Heil Trump!

    Comrade Homan is just a tiny fraction of what’s coming.
    The christonazis have very big plans, and will be implementing them massively with blinding speed.
    Instead of dithering around like the Democrats, unable to exercise power effectively.
    These F’ers will not be hesitant, they know what they’re after (a theonazi dominion) and will exercise every power available to impose it on all of the USA.

  2. van heldorf says:

    Looking at articles and especially the comments of sites like here and Daily Kos dealing with trump, IMO too many expect to hold the line at the midterms based upon assuming the Constitution will be followed. But what if the Constitution is essentially rendered toothless which is again, IMO, what I think is their 1st major goal in order to be able to fulfill Project 2025? Like Goebbels they already own the majority of communication means and have the long term determination to work their plan. Will the left wait too late to get tough not in employing their underhanded methods but definitely kicking butt and taking names?

  3. Harry Eagar says:

    His eyes are bigger than his stomach. I won’t undersell the evil intentions, but no way 10 million, or even 1 million will be rounded up.

  4. It’ll be interesting to see whether Republican farmers, ranchers, and food processing plant owners get raided. My guess is that one needs to start carrying one’s passport around starting Jan 20.

  5. Harry Eagar says:

    It will also be interesting to see how many libs hide immigrants the way the Optekta employees hid Anne Frank’s family.

    Or whether crowds of libs surround ICE agents to prevent them from completing takeaways.

    Color me skeptical.

  6. G Foresight says:

    What’s with the orange color of Homan’s face in the photo posted here? A homage to 45? Or something more sinister?

    From Wikipedia:

    “V is an American science fiction franchise…about a genocidal invading alien race known as the ‘Visitors’—reptilian humanoids disguised as human beings—trying to take over Earth, and the human reaction to this, including the Resistance group attempting to stop them, while others collaborate with the aliens for power and personal wealth.”


  7. The Surly Professor says:

    Like G Foresight, I appreciate the picture of Homan that Half Empty chose. Other news sources are using it, so it’s probably exemplary.

    Ancient story: the first time I went to Dept of Energy headquarters in DC, there was a portrait of some standard smiling white guy in a suit that bugged me. It looked vaguely familiar, but I could not place it. Only going closer and reading the name revealed it was Dick Cheney. I had never seen a photo of him when he wasn’t snarling.

  8. Fenway Fran says:

    In that 60 Minutes interview, he reminded me of Jabba the Hut.

  9. Detention camps, holding families, will Fox News show video?
    50 people in a bus, how many buses will that take? Not counting the driver and armed guards.
    Buses arrive at the Mexican border, how will Trump threaten Mexico so they allow busses to enter?

  10. Harry Eagar says:

    Rick @ 59

    10 million removals is around 80 times as many as the expulsion of Japanese-Americans from the West Coast in 1942.

    It is 50% more than the total of tourists traveling to Hawaii in a year.

  11. Steve from Beaverton says:

    If Homan isn’t bad on his own, head racist stephen miller will join him in the “white” house as trumpf’s chief of policy, i.e. implementation of project 2025 (you know that thing trumpf knew nothing about). Together they were the architects of family seperations in TFFG’s first term. Don’t be fooled that they could give a shit about how non-white families are treated.
    Highly suggest you read Robert Hubbell’s daily newsletter (link below). It is has a lot of good thoughts as well as news about such things as Homan the unhuman. It also has some good news.

  12. Your wait is over:
    Trumpian SS number =



  13. drumpf is likely to appoint South Dakota’s cheater of a guv, Kristi Noem Nothing to Head Homeland Security. Her quaification is she is unfaithfull just like drumpf..

    Cost to export 1 million immigrants to their country of origin run as high as 88 billion per year, not to mention the effects on the economy and tax revenue collection.

  14. Grandma Ada says:

    Since 2010, when Citizens United was decided, we have lived in a legalized oligarchy. Come January 20, 2025, we will live in a legalized autocracy. The GOP Senate has already indicated they will remain in recess so tfg can make all his recess appointments, people just as corrupt as himself with no oversight. And it’s all legal because he does it — thanks again SCOTUS. Tim Snyder’s Substack today, Oligarchy Island describes the future very well.
