
September 09, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It has long been a Republican practice to accuse your opponent of your own weakness.  Louie Gohmert perfected it today.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) said Hillary Clinton is “mentally impaired” during a speech at the Values Voter Summit on Friday.

Gohmert said that he didn’t want to make fun of Clinton, then went on to do just that.

“You don’t make fun of people who are impaired, have special needs, and whether you like her or not, Hillary Clinton has made clear that she is mentally impaired and this is not somebody you should be making fun of,” Gohmert said to laughter in the audience.

Louie went on to say that Hillary might have been smart when she went to law school but something has happened since then.  “A concussion,” he innocently asks.

I used to work in a news room with an uptight Republican woman – she wrote the style section, of course – and I learned about Christian gossip.  I would hear her on the phone telling one of her friends, “We need to pray for Betty Ann.  Her husband is running around with that floozy woman again so she needs our love and our prayers.”  Next one, “Bless her sweet heart, Brandi’s liposuction didn’t go well so please remember her in your prayers.”  Then, “Add David to your prayer list because he got another DWI and Lauren is fixing to kill him.  We need to do a lot a praying for them.”

Sometimes she would say, “Please pray for Mary Lou,” and not say why, leaving her friend the necessary task of having to call everyone in her Sunday School class to find out what the hell is going on with Mary Lou and if they don’t know, they start calling other people, all the while claiming that they are just trying to find out what they should be praying for.

I began to call that, “Prayer List Adding,” and questioned her about how that was different from gossip.  She replied, “Oh Susan, prayer is powerful and we all need to pray for people in need.” I asked why not just pray for everybody?  Her answer, “I don’t know everybody.” I could not argue with that.

I’m pretty sure she called all her friends at night asking them to pray for me because I cuss, drink, and once made a county commissioner cry.  If she did, it didn’t work.

So Louie was simply Prayer list Adding, a popular sport with Super DeLux Brand Christians.

Thanks to every and their Aunt Matilda for the heads up. Love you guys.

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0 Comments to “Projection”

  1. So, I guess Louie got dropped on his head when he was young? He’s certainly a good example of the effects of concussion.

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Gohmert is one of those rare phenoms whose brain was born in a whole other country from the rest of himself.

  3. JJ, That’s perfect. That’s such a great example of how so many holier-than-thou folks spread rumors and gossip, be judgemental, and sanctimoniously righteous all in the space of one sentence. I’ve never really thought of it in those terms before. Thanks. That made my day.

  4. I asked why not just pray for everybody? Her answer, “I don’t know everybody.” I could not argue with that.

    Try responding, “But GOD does!”

  5. xavierbreath says:

    Another reason to stay the hell out of church. Living where I do, in the deep south, I was told that the fine upstanding “Christians” used to leave church early in order to be on time for the lynching of the black man on the other side of town. Churches are a hot bed of gossip and for many upstanding “Christians” is the social hour(s) of the week.

  6. Some people were dropped on their heads as a baby. Louie was thrown in the air, hit the ceiling, bounced off the ceiling fan, and fell out the window. He *thinks* Clinton is mentally impaired because she can string more than one thought together, which is completely foreign to Louie’s brain. Anyone routinely referred to as “the dumbest man in Congress” should have a little more humility when he goes calling people out for mental problems. If he got a concussion, nobody would be able to tell.

    And I love the Christian gossip….

    Oh wait, Louie said that at the Values Voter Summit? Well, he’ll fit right in, because I doubt if anybody there has two brain cells within hollering distance of each other.

  7. JAKvirginia says:

    Project much Louie? Oh wait… there’s more. Shhhh. Come close… I need to whisper…. she’s impotent. YES! I’m absolutely sure. Can’t get it up with two popsicle sticks and duct tape! Poor thing. We should pray for her.

  8. Elizabeth Moon says:

    I think we need to start a group called “Better Values Voters” and have a Summit, too. Just to make it clear that “Values Voters” are only dealing with a narrow subset of low-value values.

    But beyond that, the dumbest man in Congress calling one of the smartest women in America mentally impaired is a hilarious (in a bad way). Louie, Louie, little man, you would be smarter if you were half as smart as Hillary Clinton.

  9. charles r. phillips says:

    Whenever I hear his name, this pops to mind…

  10. I really need a general purpose repeatable response to Ghomert posts here since “c-s’ing, m-f’ing, s-o-b’ing a$$hole” will likely get me in trouble and I have just run out of words for Ghomert that aren’t otherwise assaultive, angry expletives.

  11. What a despicable man.

  12. All together now— Lets pray for him , bless his heart.
    I heard that a lot as a kid.

  13. Louie could have been the subject of my favorite “Bless his heart”: “You put his brain of the head of a pin, it would roll around like a dried pea on a six-lane highway, bless his heart.”

    That magic Southern phrase allows you to say absolutely anything about anybody, as long as you add “bless his [or her] heart.”

  14. I am thinking….it could not do any harm if we pray for the Voters of Tyler….for sanity.

  15. Dominic P. Lucarelli says:

    You mean to tell me that Louis said something insanely and incomprehensibly stupid? Well, cut off my legs and call me “Shorty”!

  16. Micr, this one of yours is my favorite for males such as him: “c-s’ing”

    Rhea, that is the best “Bless his heart” I’ve ever heard. I plan to steal it and use it with reckless abandon. I will freely give you credit.

  17. I don’t think Louie is at any risk of concussion. After all, it’s a brain injury.

  18. Well, ain’t that KKKristian of him. Gohmert is a national embarrassment.

  19. Praying doesn’t work. Correct me if you feel differently.

  20. Bless his nonexistent heart.

  21. One of the signs of the mentally ill is a true lack of insight into their own illness. As someone that used to suffer from depression I can attest to that. When things are at their worst you usually know the least. I can probably guess that this lack of personal insight extends to that of others. If he views himself as sane and grounded then anything opposed to that is insane and ungrounded.

  22. Just read a great article in the WaPo concerning a young man who wrote a book about his impoverished life in the backwoods somewhere in this country. He openly discusses faith/belief systems prevalent in such areas where there are really no churches, no roads to take one to such a place if it existed, no jobs, lots of malnourishment, suffering and shorter than average lives as compared to non-isolated areas with plenty of organization and church buildings galore supported by people who actually have jobs that will allow them to do so and have their own mega-outreach programs. He worked his way out of the backwoods, got into college, graduated law school and has a terrific job. This guy also states that the “faith” of the forgotten in the backwoods is also way different than anything he has seen elsewhere. They simply believe that somehow someway things will get better as long as the keep on keeping on. Please note that Hair Trump does not even know anyone lives in the backwoods of this country and probably knows either very little or nothing about him. Hell, they’re poor. What would he want with them? Well, for one thing for all that they don’t have they have one value that Hair Trump doesn’t seem to have – self-respect and integrity. I’d say these people should have their own Values Voter deal going on and by sheer comparison put that crowd Trump graced with his appearance (I do try to be the woman my mamma raised me to bit every now and then) to shame.
