Project 2025 Ain’t Jive

July 10, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Sometimes, it’s good to read national news from a foreign perspective. It has a quality of distance that suggests a neutral perspective, if that’s possible.

So that’s how I introduced myself to Project 2025 – by reading this summary from the BBC.

TFG has foresworn any connection to the project or their document, this despite the fact that it’s authors are former TFG administration political appointees. For example, currently serving in prison, Trump advisor Peter Navarro has a chapter.

The sponsoring group, The Heritage Foundation, has the official list of acceptable judges from which The Convicted Felon chose his three SCOTUS justices to overturn accepted legal precedence in a variety of areas.

The fact that they have labeled the project Agenda 47 does not mean that there are 46 other agendas. It means the agenda is designed for the 47th president, which will never be Joe Biden.

A statement of purpose might be summarized this way (as they do on their website):

It is not enough for conservatives to win elections. If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration. This is the goal of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project.

As opposed to the Project 2021 Presidential Transition Project. That didn’t go over very well.

Here in a PDF is all 922 pages for you to peruse for your own areas of concern.

Since I have used NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) in the past to monitor approaching hurricanes so I know when to stay or go, I took a look at what they want to do with NOAA:

The National Oceanographic [sic] and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) should be dismantled and many of its functions eliminated, sent to other agencies, privatized, or placed under the control of states and territories.

Besides not getting their name right, Project 2025 doesn’t like NOAA because it is the point of the spear for those concerned with global climate change.

They aren’t.

A vote for a Republican this November is a vote that ratifies Project 2025. These guys are deadly serious. Honest to God, it’s the only Libertarian-influenced plan I’ve ever seen that doesn’t also call for the legalization of Cannabis.

0 Comments to “Project 2025 Ain’t Jive”

  1. Opinionated Hussy says:

    We know what’s coming. We know what’s at stake. And we are nearly powerless to stop it.

    That won’t keep me from trying, from doing what I do every election. But they own the media, and America seems to be asleep at the wheel.

  2. I had an opportune chat with a young women the other day. She is a teacher who finds herself becoming more and more a social worker as students bring their problems with them to the classroom. I know the feeling. I was once in her position. She is also befuddled about the November election. She absolutely does not want to vote for Trump but she is also afraid that Biden isn’t up to the job. She mentioned something she had heard as a rumor about Biden, that he has Altzheimers. I told her that active Altzheimer patients do not check in every day to do all the desk work that a President does 24/7. I pointed out that Trump has “people” who do all the reading for him, then organize the stuff and present him with an oral report so that he can have his pix taken as he signs something. Right now, when away from the campaigning he is more often riding around a golf course he owns, maybe playing a few holes. Allegedly he is working on picking a VP. After the way he treated Pence on Jan 6, who the heck wants to be his VP?

    Somewhere somehow with the crush of anti-female reproductive rights, plus some of Trumps Project 2025 ideas rising into public view, such as abolishing various executive departments plus the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (despite the number and growing force of hurricanes in this country), there has to be a Biden win if this country wants to continue its existence. As for Trump’s little whisper of getting rid of income taxes, guess who will get the best of that! His top income level buddies. The rest of us will end up supporting them!

  3. rastybob says:

    This is What will happen if we elect a rapist and felon to office. To replace a thoughtful old man.
    Who in the hell thinks that’s a good idea??

  4. The Surly Professor says:

    Project 2025 must get rid of NOAA because it is guilty of treason. When Trump boldly corrected their wrong forecast of the possible path of a hurricane (using his magic Sharpy), they had the traitorous gall to refuse to back him. Instead they re-iterated their mistake. No other president has ever faced such savage sedition and dangerous attacks!

    More seriously, it’s the “privatization” part that makes the cons rub their hands. The earlier effort by Santorum (remember him?) to eliminate involved them continuing to gather data, but then to hand it over to a company in his district, that would provide the forecasts … for a fee. This isn’t like giving concessions in national parks; these forecasts are vital for farmers and merchant marine sailors. They would have no choice but to pay up. Only a nutcase would go out into the Gulf of Mexico without checking for hurricane or tropical depressions popping up.

  5. Nick Carraway says:

    Ms. Carraway works in space weather. She relies HEAVILY on NOAA and their smaller more focused forecasters. This is nuts. The thought of ceding to a man that stares straight at an eclipse is madness. Sure it is only a few astronauts and maybe a small part of our longterm space plan. Replacing the smartest people on the planet with lackeys is only a small part of the picture but it’s huge when you total it up


    Contest their tax exempt status. You can even fill it out online. Might not do any good, but then again if enough people did it it might.
