Pro Gun Rally Outside the Alamo

October 20, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, it’s one thing for Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson to use the powers of his office to further his political career by holding a gun rally on the grounds of a Texas shine and graveyard.

It’s another thing to scare the crap outta tourists and little kids because you have a gun fetish.

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But it’s a whole ‘nother thing to misuse scripture from St Paul and St Luke, dammit.  Luke quotes Jesus speaking metaphorically about the sword of the spirit.  Sweet Jesus was making an analogy about the rich and the poor, not about killing people.  And St Paul was talking about belonging to God in spirit  even if you are a slave.  St Paul was not opposed to government; he was opposed to heresy.  And gun rallies.

Okay, okay, so I made up the gun rally part.  However, I know one thing for sure.  If Jesus had come back yesterday in San Antonio throwing the money changers out of the temple would have looked like child’s play.

Thanks to Kathleen for the heads up.

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