Prima Facie Wacko
Okay, I just watched Wayne LaPierre on Meet the Press, which ain’t really Meet the Press, it’s Meet David Gregory.
Anyway, Ole Wayne has loco camped out in his eyeballs.
Y’all, this man is not sane enough to have a gun. Hell, I wouldn’t give him pointed scissors. Or maybe even scissors at all because then he could cut his way out of the straitjacket we need to order for him.
Ole Wayne is calling for a national database of people suffering from mental illness, like that’s something you can see, you know, like psoriasis. Okay, maybe that’s not the point I want to make since Ole Wayne’s mental illness is … well, camped out in his eyeballs right there for everyone to see.
I’m willing to bet monkeys that Ole Wayne is right this minute forming a new capitalism enterprise of “Rent-A-School-Cop.” They have a line like, “We know it didn’t work at Columbine, but our guards have cannons and crap.” Ole Wayne can retire to someplace nice where they don’t need stinkin’ school guards because they don’t have stinkin’ guns everywhere.
Ole Wayne was real insistent that we needed to get guns out of the hands of drug dealers. Okay, let me count here. How many drug dealers have gone in and shot up schools? Ummm … exactly none.
The NRA has 3 million members. There are 36 million members of the AARP. I say we take ‘um. We have canes, scooters, colostomy bags, medical marijuana, and the entire Rolling Stones. I say we can take them and get in line for the Denny’s early bird special by 5:00.
Meet up over at the Arthritis Clinic at noon tomorrow. Hell, we stopped a war in Vietnam. We can do this.