Pretty in Pink Slips

December 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sometimes it’s more fun than watching the circus to see someone get fired.

Ted Nugent.

In addition to cancelling its popular “American Guns” reality show, The Discovery Channel confirmed to Raw Story on Tuesday that firearms enthusiast Ted Nugent will also not be returning to the channel in any form or fashion.

Somehow, I don’t think you should use the words form and/or fashion when speaking of Ted Nugent.

Instead, let’s use crazy self-promoting sumbitch.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Pretty in Pink Slips”

  1. And when, if ever, will the shreds of our law enforcement people nail this ugly bastard for all his threats and sedition?

  2. Yaaaayyyyyyy!!!! Thank God!!! If there is a more disgusting TV idiot around I can’t think of one……. maybe a group but I won’t go there today.

  3. Yipee.

  4. I like the word that Congress doesn’t, lunatic.
    It describes him perfectly.

  5. Well I don’t know where they come from but they sure do come
    All those crazies with guns
    And I don’t know how they manage to bamboozle them all
    During election runs

    They all got gun nut fever
    Gun nut fever

    The NRA grips Congress ‘nads in cold dead hands
    You just can’t pry ’em free
    They fall in line so they will not be shot down dead
    In the next Primary

    They all got gun nut fever
    Gun nut fever

    Although it’s dangerous
    They feel no pain
    They got to sh- sh- shoot
    You know when you got it you are insane
    ‘Cause the world is cryin’ cryin’
    Won’t you go away?

    They make the angels weep with
    Each killing spree
    But they don’t care at all
    ‘Cause the claim the Constitution
    Makes them weapons free
    To cause the country’s fall

    They all got gun nut fever
    Gun nut fever

  6. Yeah, da Chipster. You taking this on the road? I betcha you could do it on an open mike night somewhere. Take your support group along for rhythm.

  7. Why does Discovery have to fire him? He promised to self deport if Obama won!

  8. CHIP: YOU’RE A NATURAL. Bet old Ted would LOVE to get you in a STRANGLEHOLD……..

  9. gidget commando says:

    Couldn’t happen to a nicer whackjob.

  10. He shouldn’t not have be allowed on tee vee in the first place, but then that’s true of most of the “reality show stars.”

  11. Time to follow the money folks who’ve been living off the ‘fat’ of reality TV. Btw… can someone keep a check bankruptcy cases to see if he files?

  12. Aggieland liz says:

    Oh daChip you are daMan! FTW IMO!

  13. It can’t have been easy to make a TV show with Nugent, no matter how popular it was.

  14. Just 115 days for the Nuge to keep his promise to be either in jail of dead. Keep your fingers crossed.

  15. About.

  16. Thanks Santa, for the early Christmas gift! 😉

  17. Like I would have ever watched ANYTHING that included that wacko. But, yeah, wasn’t he going to self-destruct or something if President Obama won? Well, the POTUS did, so let’s get on with it. Self-destruct, move somewhere else (if they’ll take you), just for God’s sake, go away.
