Presidential Candidate Oops
I know it’s become trite to say “Oops” everydamntime that Rick Perry’s name is mentioned, but the reason it’s become trite is because he’s The Oopsy Candidate. He Oops for a living. It was his college major. He’s an Oops machine set on overdrive during an Oops storm in Oppsville during the month of Oopstober.
Take for example his recent rough and ready decision to send the Texas National Guard to South Texas. Two weeks later, fifty guard members show up at food banks because Rick Perry forgot that they don’t get paid until September 5th. Oops. They also had to beg gas money to get from their living quarters to their duty station. Oops.
Sweet Jesus in heaven above, do not let this man be commander in chief. We’d have troops landing on the beach in Normandy with no pants on.
And today we add another to the list. Perry tweeted a Photoshopped picture of Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmburg, claiming that she indicted him. This tweet did come from the one that his staff writes. It was his own personal Twitter account.
Stay classy, Rick.
The Houston Chronicle pointed out —
Lehmberg did not indict Perry. She and other officials in solidly Democratic Travis County recused themselves from the case against Perry. Bert Richardson, a Republican judge from Bexar County, appointed San Antonio lawyer Michael McCrum to serve as a special prosecutor.
An hour later, Perry tweeted again.
It was your personal Twitter account, Skippy.
Sometimes I think that Rick Perry was shot out of a cannon and missed the net.
Additionally, being “the most drunk Democrat in Texas” is a hotly contested title. I think they retired the jersey when Sam Houston died. They say he was the best politician in Texas drunk or sober.
Does Rick Perry really want to talk about drunk?
Yeah, right.